10 September 2024



JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The Hashomrim organization founded just a few months ago by the Belz chasidim in their neighborhood in northern Jerusalem, has succeeded in proving its worth. More than 100 illegal residents who were wandering around the area of the neighborhood have been arrested, and burglaries in the region were significantly reduced.

The police has now authorized them to carry weapons and they have started a funding campaign to provide training and equipment for tens of volunteers.

One of the heads of the organization wrote that “As you have heard, the Hashomrim organization was established in order to maintain the security of the neighborhood and the Beis Midrash. I don’t need to tell you how necessary this was and how much it was lacking until now, especially during the current war and with all the warnings of terrorist attacks.

“Baruch Hashem, after half a year of activities, we can tell you about many things which happened: We caught several thieves who frequented this area and were very active, more than 100 illegal residents were found in the neighborhood and other things which its best not to reveal.

“We all know however that everything costs money, including training volunteers, employing a shabbos goy, weapons for volunteers etc. and there is no source of funding for the organization. We are currently crowdfunding to obtain the money for activities and weapons, which are solely for our residents and for those davening in the Beis Midrash. We all know how much our rebbe is keen on this, especially after the attack on Erev Pesach [ramming attack in Romema in which 2 people were injured] when he requested that people go with weapons. We will be happy if you  contribute whatever you can.”

Rabbi Shamai Kehas Hacohen Gross, a Belzer Dayan, wrote a letter stating that all activities are under his supervision. Rabbi Shamai Kehas Hacohen Gross, a Belzer Dayan, wrote a letter stating that all activities are under his supervision.

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