10 September 2024

The Mediterranean is full….. of trouble

its not the Bismark, but  

US Nukes are in the Mediterranean

? why ?

We can see that the us is pushing Israel into more and more complex and dangerous situations bc it aims to cause Israel to come under a full Arab terrorist attack. Why? So that the us with its military assets all over the ME can implement a TAKEOVER (rescue) of israel & its complicit govt in order to control the whole ME and force another Arab state into the region [i.e. an Arab state in Judea & Samaria & in the Hevron area].

This may possibly provoke Russia to enter and do whatever Shamayim decrees.

However as a one year anniversary of Oct 7 this may be the beginning of the “fireworks”. 

Or we may be under 9 mos of foreign Arab control as one prophecy says..


Anonymous said...


Neshama said...

Leah: ???

Anonymous said...

What do you think my dear....
Moshiach comes when the kinneret is full

Neshama said...

Youre not taking into consideration that HASHEM is in control absolutely during these days. HE can change anything, everything, and bring about something different. We need to wake up as many Israelis as we can possibly affect. Watch for my post about Darkness & Light and the Israeli Conundrum.

Anonymous said...

To me, everything that is happening worldwide, especially in EY, are all signs leading to the war of Gog u'Magog. Of course, when you read the above scenario, it is extremely troubling because I think that the above is their plan, and the world will do anything to make sure that Yisrael cannot, c'v, be the big winner as our Torah declares it will be. Utzu Eitza v'sufar, dabru davar v'lo yakum, ki imanu Kel.
The real Jews must all wake up and do what they have
to in order to speed up the Geulah and show Hashem that we have full Emunah and Bitachon in HIM.
The ones who only await Moshiach's coming some day and do nothing and
allow the nations to take advantage of us because of our Erev Rav leaders,
I believe, are committing a tremendous sin by showing they do not really want Moshiach and that we must be dhimmis under the control of, c'v elef alfei pa'amim, the pere adam.
Dovid Hamelech was the beloved of Hashem because he 'feared'' only Hashem - the Jewish nation must put their emunah & bitachon in H, just as Dovid Hamelech, chai v'kayam did, and cry out to HKB'H for our Goel Tzedek, all while taking back our sovereignty & to control the pereadam and not control/abuse the true nation of Israel, the real Jewish people. The Erev Rav are and have been our biggest enemy. May this new Shanah bring us the full
Geulah b'chesed v'rachamim!

moshe said...

I'm afraid that most Israelis have what they call 'Stockholm Syndrom' (slave mentality). H', may this year (with ease, not with hardship) we pray be the year, our people wake up to reality - 'we have HASHEM'.

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