25 September 2024

URGENT LETTER From Tzfat and Tiberias

 I guess everyone received this letter. No matter one’s political or personal feelings/position, this organization is DIRECTLY PROVIDING FOOD AND MORE to the destitute and desperate members of our family, klal Yisrael. Please do whatever your heart feels.

Dear friends

Since Saturday night, the situation in Israel’s north has become critical. Hezbollah has launched close to 500 rockets, missiles, and suicide drones in the last 24 hours alone, shattering the lives of countless families and leaving entire communities in fear for their lives.

Our branches in Tzfat and Tiberias are at the heart of this crisis. Can you imagine your spouse being unemployed, your kids' school canceled, and having to run to the safe room nonstop as you hear the earsplitting explosion - BOOM! - of direct hits? 

Rosh Hashanah is next week, and these families don’t even know how they will eat dinner tonight - how will they celebrate the High Holidays?

Meir Panim is here for all those in dire need; our teams are in constant contact with Israel’s Home Front Command and local municipalities, working tirelessly to ensure that no one is left hungry and alone for the holidays. As we prepare meals and pantry boxes, our Branch Managers Avi (in Tzfat) and Yehudit (in Tiberias) are still welcoming everyone in need of a hot meal - no questions asked.

From poverty-stricken families in Tzfat to displaced families in Tiberias, anyone hungry or lonely can dine in our Restaurant-Style Soup Kitchens or bring hot meals home to keep their families safe. For hungry kids with school canceled, isolated Holocaust survivors without bomb shelters, and families in need – we are their lifeline.
Daily life has been turned upside down. The stress and trauma are unbearable for many, especially those already living in poverty. But together, we can ensure that the displaced, the hungry, and the vulnerable in Israel’s north receive the nourishment and support that they desperately need.

We cannot wait. Those in need cannot wait. Families who have fled their homes near the Lebanon border, struggling Holocaust survivors, and parents with children too afraid to sleep - they need your help NOW.

Please donate to Meir Panim to ensure that no one goes hungry, no one feels forgotten, and no one faces this war alone.

Link to donate:

Thank you for your unwavering support. Together, we can bring hope to those who need it most during this frightening time.

With gratitude and hope,

Mimi Rozmaryn
Director of Global Development
Meir Panim

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URGENT LETTER From Tzfat and Tiberias

  I guess everyone received this letter. No matter one’s political or personal feelings/position, this organization is DIRECTLY PROVIDING FO...