06 September 2024

REMEMBER: 8/2005 = 10/2023

h/t Meraglim


Esser Agaroth said...

This is only part of the documentary. Here is the full documentary: Expulsion From Azza, Sixth Anniversary: Who Was To Blame?.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone update on the rabbis today,??

Neshama said...

There is a new article from R Weissman which will be posted motzei shabbat. You can read that. Or go to his rumble channel.

Esser Agaroth said...

I wish I not still so angry at them, and at all our fellow Jews who insist on following their mamlakhti (diehard State loyalist) instruction, confusing Torah and State. That way I could provide a proper answer to your very important question. Let us just say that these rabbis are all doing just fine. R' David Stav is one of the leaders of the Tzohar Movement. Whereas, those rabbis who opposed the expulsion are still targets. The Hesder Yeshiva program was damaged greatly by MK Elazar Stern when he was Chief of IDF Personnel. Students are forced to compromise their Torah principles. Many of the Hesder Yeshiva Heads risks closures do to their stance against the expulsion, based on Torah justifications. So much for free speech. R' Shlomo Aviner is still seen as some sort of Gadol HaDor. This post about him from 2012 is a must. At least see the photos and documents. Whereas Rav Lior of Hevron, who was held up in the Kfar Darom synagogue until the last hour with R' Zalman Melamed, is still targeted. Also of note, rabbis teaching politically incorrect Torah Law, even theoretically, have been arrested, although released. The list goes on...

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