02 July 2024

Judea & Samaria War Began on Oct 8 — stage 2 of their ‘planned’ attacks on the Jews

 If one looks closely, the reports of danger and strategic planning is out there in the open. Again the Jews are asleep, by Divine design or ....

“Shocking video of an Israeli owned car set alight by a Palestinian mob after he accidentally entered the town Palestinian town of Qalandiya near Ramallah. He hit a pillar as he tried to flee the mob, sustaining light injuries.” Source: X

strategic planning by PA to divide Judea & Samaria

This Israeli is religious and I’m sure he called out to Shamayim, our ONLY protection now! One must go back to reading MAPS and not rely on digital directing. A Jew’s direction is always “upwards” to his Abba in Shamayim!


A week prior, an Israeli man was killed in the Palestinian city of Qalqilya in western Samaria. The victim, identified as Amnon Muchtar, 66, from Petach Tikvah in central Israel, reportedly owned a vegetable store and was said to have traveled to Qalqilya to buy produce.

The deadly shooting came two days after a 78-year-old Israeli man was mortally wounded near Qalqilya. An initial probe found that assailants had severely beaten the man and stolen his car.

Israelis are barred from entering Qalqilya, along with other regions of Judea and Samaria under full Palestinian administrative and security control, collectively designated Area A under the Oslo Accords.

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Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Ki Tavo

Parshas Ki Savo: Walking in the Ways of Hashem - Inspiring Awe In the Nations of the World