03 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman – The Gemara On Trusting Expert Doctors

With the recent upsurge in medical propaganda once again, today's Torah class is especially important. What do Chazal actually say about trusting doctors, even “experts”?

Obviously there is far more to learn than can be covered in a single short class, but the fundamentals are clear and easily applicable to the situation in which we find ourselves. The Torah we learned today is a timeless, divine immunization against the medical murder system.

Funny how the Erev Rav shills missed the wide open sources we studied today...but you shouldn't.

We also learned insights from the Midrash about arguing with “cleverly wicked” people, as well as collective punishment in times of war.

The class is available at

Please learn and share.

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With the possible exception of the defunct Soviet Union, the Erev Rav / Amalek State of Israel has committed more atrocities against the Jewish people since the Holocaust than any other state.  

I challenge even the most ardent flag-waving Dati Leumi cultists to dispute this.

This is not an endorsement of surrendering our land and remaining in exile.

It's an endorsement of breaking out of Stockholm Syndrome.

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 A five-week-old infant from the Jerusalem area whose mother refused to get vaccinated for whooping cough during pregnancy died of the disease about a week ago. Two days later, a seven-year-old girl from Netanya, whose parents refused to vaccinate her against tetanus, was hospitalized in the pediatric intensive care unit at Laniado Hospital after contracting the serious and excruciatingly painful disease.

Ynet reported that the lowest vaccination rates against whooping cough are found almost exclusively in Jerusalem and in religious and Chareidi communities outside the capital.

The report quoted Dr. Maurit Beeri, a pediatrician and the director of ALYN Rehabilitation Hospital for Children and Youth, who slammed parents who neglect their children by refusing to vaccinate them.

“Unfortunately, these incidents can no longer be considered rare,’ she said. “In recent years, we’ve seen a trend where people re-evaluate expert recommendations and make decisions without informed knowledge. When it comes to preventing infectious diseases, we see a decline in vaccination rates, especially within certain population groups.”

“We must remember that these things spread and endanger us all,” Dr. Beeri warned. “If we used to call it ‘Dr. Google,’ today it’s ‘Professor TikTok.’ Everyone has their agenda and platform with wide reach. Since COVID, instead of expressing gratitude for vaccines that saved us from lockdowns, people have become more emboldened to refuse vaccinations for other diseases as well.”

Yes, the medical profession has clearly scared everyone 
into not taking vaccines after the ‘death shot’ 
that did kill and maim many throughout the entire world. 
After lying and creating unnecessary restrictions on all of us 
you want us to trust you??
Doctors? Do you understand the fear?

People don’t differentiate between new and old vaccines. When we talk about routine vaccinations for infants, these are vaccines with data from millions of children. We’re talking about diseases that have almost disappeared from the world. I’ve been a doctor for 30 years and have never seen a case of tetanus. It’s a terrible disease, causing excruciating pain. Children in developing countries still die from it, and it’s entirely unnecessary. I grew up in a place where there was hysteria over tetanus from every rusty nail, but today we’re in a different place.”

“Tetanus is a dreadful disease, causing indescribable suffering, and it’s entirely unnecessary. Have you ever woken up at night with a muscle cramp in your leg? Have you ever pulled a muscle during physical activity? Now imagine your entire body, all at once, cramping up. Everything contorts in different directions. You can’t move. Every finger stiffens to the point of breaking bones. You can’t even scream because your jaw is locked and your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth. Breathing is difficult. This is how children died before the tetanus vaccine was invented, with terrified eyes and no ability to call for help. This is a description I read in books. I never saw it because the children who played outside and fell and got injured were vaccinated.”

“Experts” that told Israelis that that ‘needle/syringe carrying that toxic potion being injected into your bodies’ was saving lives! Who trusts the “experts” anymore; after they lied?! There’s so much more to be said.

“We see every day that expert opinions no longer mean anything. Everyone’s opinion is considered equally valid, and there is no regard for someone with acquired knowledge compared to anyone else who raises any claim. Conspiracy theories don’t affect only healthcare; they affect everything related to the society around us.”

“I grew up in a world where children weren’t strapped into car seats, and most of us survived. But I work in child rehabilitation, and I see the children who weren’t strapped in car seats. I also see the children who come in with various diseases that can’t be prevented. I tell everyone: prevent what you can. You don’t understand what happens to a family with an injured child or, chalilah, a child who has died. It’s hardship, it’s suffering, it’s terrible. You don’t want to go there. Don’t take such risks; it’s not worth it. It’s unnecessary.”

“I’m really angry. What is wrong with you – parents who surely love your children – when you neglect them and allow them to contract diseases that have already been eradicated? When you feel like protectors of your offspring by refusing to vaccinate them because you think you know better than everyone else? When you fear very rare complications and leave them exposed to much more dangerous diseases?”

Its your fault, Doctors, your Covid vaccine did more damage than coming down with the Flu. Doctors, you have created the atmosphere that one cannot trust you or your so-called Health Ministry (that turned into a ‘death’ ministry with your edicts and control farse) 

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

and that also goes for the so-called Jewish media in Israel; they compounded the ruse with their  regurgitation of distorted propaganda and lies = accomplices!

Miracle in Gaza 9 Days Ago

Preamble: Notice that the three areas that we are and IY"H might be fighting in are the *three areas of Land that belong to the Eretz Yisrael Yerusha!

*Gaza, the absolute Northern Area of our Land in Lebanon, and if Persia keeps it up in Jordan, that too might be "liberated".

DEFINITELY DANGEROUS Lithium Battery Bicycle Recharging FIRE UPDATED


She fought like a lion: Adina a"h saved her 9 children before she succumbed. The fire was started when a lithium bike battery that was charging indoors caught on fire. It set the whole home aflame within a couple of minutes. Please donate to help the family:

Mother dies after rescuing her family from fire

Adina Zahavi was critically injured while saving her 9 children from an electrical fire and later succumbed to her injuries.

[…] According to a preliminary investigation, the fire was caused by an electric bicycle charger lithium bike battery that was left plugged in and ignited near a sofa.[…]   Full article:  

I’ve warned about lithium batteries, that are extremely dangerous and can erupt into life-disabling fires (No family should be using these batteries). I would go as far as to say this is a deliberate deep state purpose, as is those fake lightbulbs that make it difficult to read find print. There is no end to their machinations to harm the public.

TORAH HALACHA......HERO CHARGED: If they rise up and come to kill you, you KILL THEM FIRST!

not arrested and then let free because there is no room in the jails

Soldier arrested on suspicion of murdering 
captured(?) Nuhkba Force ARAB terrorist

May HaShem guard and protect this holy soldier from evil Erev Rav


Who are those who investigate, how many are they, what are their sourceshow do they monitor those things, do they have sources on the other side ? are they actually in Gaza, doubt it? Did they investigate the other side ? when they blow up our soldiers 

HaShem Yikom Damam.
HaShem Ad matai ?????????????

A 20-year-old soldier was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of murdering a terrorist from the Hamas Nuhkba Force who had been captured.

Channel 12 News reported that the soldier, who served in the Kfir Brigade, was arrested at his home and will be brought tomorrow for a hearing on the extension of his detention.

In his defense, the suspect claimed: "On October 7, my friends and I went down south. We saw a fierce battle that was going on between the Yamam soldiers and the Nukhba terrorists. Unfortunately, some of our soldiers were killed. We continued to fight and eliminated the terrorists."

The investigator responded, "You yourself interrogated a terrorist in the field, then you shot him in the head. That's why you're suspected of murder."

The soldier maintained, "I did not murder any terrorist, but I eliminated the terrorists who were there and shot at us."


ME:  OCTOBER 7 = YOU didn't stop the slaughter, YOU stood back and didn't rescue Israelis being viciously murdered, YOU the military echelon, ground, air, and sea! And now you want to LYNCH an Israeli for doing what you were supposed to do under Universal War Laws?? YOU should be brought to trial not this HERO!



Reading all this just bring tears to my eyes! A living nightmare; where is leadership, where is the will to survive and mostly where is the will to sanctify G-D's Holy Name!

02 July, 2024 


I don’t see where the Israelis themselves will be able to bring together the differing flags in order to end this gov and all that perpetrated covid and oct 7, and bring them to a military court those who have had control over the gov, the medical facilities (drs & nurses) and the military in order to punish those who did evil against Jews?

Then we need Mashiach or a preliminary group to wrestle control and begin to implement corrections and solutions! What about “citizen arrests”? Or maybe there is a UNiversal clause that this group could enact? 


While many are trying to foster some type of unity it’s met with a political counter attack!!


02 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman – The "Haredi" Draft Controversy — Another Psyop

The Amalek / Erev Rav monsters who rule our land would love to send thousands of “Haredim” on suicide missions to be maimed and killed, or “accidentally” killed in “friendly fire” incidents. They are decimating the Dati Leumi communities and yeshivos, and they would love to pile up the casualties from Mir and Ponevezh, too.

But that's not what the latest round of the staged draft controversy is all about.

The existence of “religious exemptions” has always been a convenient way to stoke hatred between “Haredim” and those who are enslaved, however willingly or grudgingly, in the IDF (Israel Destruction Forces), taking perilous orders from people who have no business giving them.

There shouldn't be a draft AT ALL. For anyone.  No one should be conscripted into an army against their will and forced to risk it all — especially not into an un-Jewish army, fighting *pretextual "wars", with their bodies and minds under the complete control of anyone, least of all heretics, fools, sellouts, and traitors.

The last thing the IDF wants is thousands of unwilling religious conscripts who are willing to die for G-d but not for them, who care more about Torah law than following orders from treasonous, atheist, skinhead officers, creating havoc in the controlled army environment.

What this is really about is once again turning people's attention away from the October 7 narrative that is falling apart, from the endless staged “war” with no clear purpose or direction, from the thousands upon thousands of maimed and killed soldiers, and their families, and all the people who were forced to leave their homes, who gave up everything for nothing.

They need to turn people's attention away from the planned and controlled destruction of farms in the north, and the destruction of people's ability to make a living, and the people who are being driven to take their own lives, all in the name of some fictitious staged war that is really against them.

So what this is really all about is once again distracting the people and turning them against each other, lest they unite against their common enemy. The Amalek / Erev Rav state and its controlled media incite against Haredim...foolish/controlled Haredi leaders call out the masses to block roads...and police beat some of the protestors...and some of them fight back...and more non-Haredim get maimed and killed on suicide missions...and everyone takes the bait and points fingers at their fellow oppressed slaves from different artificial camps instead of UNITING and turning against their common enemy.

The possibility of the oppressed slaves uniting terrifies the slavemasters like nothing else. The day the slaves from different artificial camps stop taking the bait, stop playing color war, and unite in spite of their differences, is the day everything changes. Our oppressors, the monsters and moles who rule our land, will do anything to prevent that from happening.

Stop taking the bait. Call out this psy-op for what it is. Talk to people. Wake them up. Build friendship and brotherhood between the artificial camps. We'll sort out our ideological differences after the war — the real war — is over.

With unity — as Jews, not statists — we will win.


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Iron Dome Fireworks Show
Next they'll tell you they put a man on the moon.
But yeah, let's fight another *pretextual "war" up north.  Gotta have an existential reason to get Jews blown up. 


ME:  PRETEXTUAL (pretext) = an excuse to do something or say something that is not accurate. Pretexts may be based on a half-truth or developed in the context of a misleading fabrication

ME:  Please also read  Both the article (in Ivrit and English) and comments are priceless.

ALSO:  EsserAgaroth (quote) "As I have stated countless times before, the Haredi draft issue has never been about the Haredi draft. This is simply one of many strategies being employed by the Erev Rav to dismantle any remnants of a Jewish state, and to destroy the Jewish People from within."

Judea & Samaria: Har Bracha shooting attack Tuesday afternoon

Menachem Ben Shachar, a resident of the area who was with a group of hikers near Har Bracha when a shooting attack occurred Tuesday afternoon, recalled the moments of the attack.

"We were here at Mitzpe Yosef with a group of visitors and just when I had finished speaking, one of the visitors screamed, 'Oww!' and fell," Ben Shachar recalled.

"We went towards him and checked if he had a wound that looked like an entry point, and we called over the forces and it took a relatively long time for them to arrive.”

"This incident took place exactly as I finished telling the group about Joseph the Righteous  Yosef HaTzadik. I don't know exactly what this shooting was, I do know one thing: In Shechem there are tens of thousands of people who hate the Jewish nation, who dream of slaughtering us every day, and every second we refrain from dealing with them the way we need to with the IAF, the Armored Corps, foot soldiers, and destroying them right down to the foundation, is a crime and it will later explode in our faces.”

In the terror attack, a hiker aged about 30 was lightly injured. Medical teams provided him with initial aid, and transferred him to Meir Medical Center.

Meanwhile, the IDF is investigating whether the shots were fired by a Palestinian Authority Arab sniper who fired towards those standing at Mitzpe Yosef from the direction of the foot of the mountain, where Shechem (Nablus) is located. [editorializing mine]

Judea & Samaria— Large ARSON fire near Yitzhar threatens Jews and their Homes.


Large fire near Yitzhar threatens residents' Jewish houses homes & families

Yitzhar residents have faced a sharp increase in the number of arson attacks committed by Arabs from surrounding villages since the war began. Arson attacks rose 100% in May.

they will not stop their terror unless ......

too many arab terrorists roaming to do more evil and the gov releases 50 more .... there is no gov with any of the same-old-faces running for power. there is NO difference with any of those same-old-faces seeking rulership! there must be no election, no gov., and everyone needs to cry out to Shamayim for Hashem to rescue us. Our ONLY ONE!

*More of Plan B after October 7; that was just the beginning. Wake up!

Samaria: PA TERRORISTS INTENSIFY WARFARE IN TULKAREM or Tulkarm – know where this is?

Saw the headline and wondered where this city of Tulkarem is located in Eretz Yisrael? So I searched Google for a Map and this is what i found.

Google Map Search:  "Tulkarm or Tulkarem is a Palestinian city in the West Bank, the capital of the Tulkarm Governorate of the State of Palestine"

Palestinian Authority Terrorists in Tulkarem Intensify Warfare Against IDF

Tulkarem is not that far from Netanya and Tel Aviv


While I was searching, where was Nablus and Jenin:

Starting from the top, one can see Nazareth, and going down next is Afula, then Jenin, further down Nablus and Huwara (of Nekoma fame) and not far along the coast is Netanya and Ra'anana and Yafo!

Does one see what an uprising chv"s could accomplish?


Judea & Samaria War Continues — שבט בנימין

 Synagogue desecrated in town of Eli
Residents are still trying to figure out who smeared feces on their synagogue and why.

Residents of the Neve Shoham neighborhood in the Binyamin Region town of Eli arrived at morning prayers on Sunday and were shocked to find parts of their synagogue smeared with feces.

The excrement was found, among other places, on the doors, on the electronic notice board, and on a flag that was in the room.

The town opened an investigation to find who desecrated the synagogue and what their motives were and submitted a complaint to the police.

Avidan Beit Yaakov, the chairman of the Eli Council, told Arutz Sheva-Israel National News: "We submitted a report to the police, we don't know of any conflict or any religious or nationalist incident in this regard. We have no idea what the direction is and why this happened.


Forensics: take samples to determine contents that might indicate either Arab or Jew?There is a slight difference in diets.

Judea & Samaria War Began on Oct 8 — stage 2 of their ‘planned’ attacks on the Jews

 If one looks closely, the reports of danger and strategic planning is out there in the open. Again the Jews are asleep, by Divine design or ....

“Shocking video of an Israeli owned car set alight by a Palestinian mob after he accidentally entered the town Palestinian town of Qalandiya near Ramallah. He hit a pillar as he tried to flee the mob, sustaining light injuries.” Source: X

strategic planning by PA to divide Judea & Samaria

This Israeli is religious and I’m sure he called out to Shamayim, our ONLY protection now! One must go back to reading MAPS and not rely on digital directing. A Jew’s direction is always “upwards” to his Abba in Shamayim!


A week prior, an Israeli man was killed in the Palestinian city of Qalqilya in western Samaria. The victim, identified as Amnon Muchtar, 66, from Petach Tikvah in central Israel, reportedly owned a vegetable store and was said to have traveled to Qalqilya to buy produce.

The deadly shooting came two days after a 78-year-old Israeli man was mortally wounded near Qalqilya. An initial probe found that assailants had severely beaten the man and stolen his car.

Israelis are barred from entering Qalqilya, along with other regions of Judea and Samaria under full Palestinian administrative and security control, collectively designated Area A under the Oslo Accords.

Judea & Samaria Citizens Fighting Back


Thugs Arrest Israeli Citizens for Protesting

Entry of [Fake]estinian Authority Workers Into their Communities

Is This a Jewish State or Arab Subversion Tactic

Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria are intensifying their campaign against the entrance of Arab workers to their communities.

Entry of Arab workers from the [Fake]estinian Authority to the various construction sites in cities and communities in Judea and Samaria has been prohibited since the Iron Swords War broke out on October 7, 2023.

However, recently some individuals in several communities have begun trying to bring the workers back, which has led to many protests by residents.

Over the past week, protests were held in several communities.

Efrat residents protested the entry of Arab workers to their community and blocked their path. 

In Emanuel, dozens of residents held a protest at a construction site on Sunday.

Police forcibly dispersed the demonstrations; one protester was detained at each of the protests, but released with the assistance of Honenu civil rights NGO Attorney Nati Rom.

“Many Yehuda and Shomron (Judea and Samaria) residents vehemently oppose the entrance of Arab workers from [Fake]estinian Authority controlled areas to their communities at a time of war, which could endanger thousands of Jews,” Rom pointed out.

“There is no protest more legitimate than this. The police aggressively quelled the protests and even detained several residents at protests in Efrat and Emanuel.

“We recommend that the police officers at police stations in Yehuda and Shomron Judea & Samaria get some on-the-job training with the officers in the ‘Kaplan District’ [referring to the anti-judicial reform protest on Tel Aviv’s Kaplan Street] and learn how to protect the democratic right of citizens to express their objections.”

After the protest in Emanuel, Rom said Israel is faced with “an insane reality in which Jews legally protesting the entrance of Arabs from the [Fake]estinian Authority to their city during a time of war — which could endanger the residents — are dispersed by force, with one of them detained for obstructing a police officer in the line of duty.

“I did not see treatment of protesters like this at any of the anarchists’ protests on Kaplan Street against judicial reform, even though they blocked streets and set fires,” he said.

The police should use the same policies with protesters from anywhere on the political spectrum. We will continue assisting anyone fighting for the Land of Israel.”


01 July 2024



ME:  more than being challenged by us, they are afraid of us, even the police were overwhelmed and had to call in the watercannon!

The Chosen People - Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

 Another masterpiece by Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

"...and indeed it is a Land that flows with milk and honey..." (13:27) God gave the Land of Israel for a specific purpose. Are we using the Land for that purpose? As of January 2025, The state of Louisiana will require public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom. Said State’s Republican governor, Jeff Landry, “If you want people to respect the rule of law you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses.” It seems that the State of Louisiana remembers something that the State of Israel has forgotten.

Historical court ruling! "All orthodox Jews to the I.D.F " What's the real story ?

First Day of July with R"H TAMMUZ Shabbos and Yom Rishon 
[one of 3 *months that contain the evil of S.M.]
Rabbi Yehuda Richter
[the Rabbi's most passionate presentation to date]

* Tammuz, Av, Teves

ALERT: THIS IS REALLY SERIOUS: Seven Israelis Die, 81 Infected with West Nile Virus

Seven Israelis have died, but at least 81 people have so far been diagnosed with West Nile Virus, according to the latest update from the Health Ministry.

Of those diagnosed, 64 people have been diagnosed with the illness, including six who have been intubated and are being maintained on ventilators.

Most of the patients are from the center of the country.

About 80 percent of those who become infected do not develop symptoms of West Nile fever, the ministry says.

“Twenty percent of those infected will have symptoms of varying severity, including fever, general malaise, headaches or generalized body aches, and neurological complications will appear in less than one percent of those infected,” the ministry said.

But it is also important to know that the virus does not pass from person to person, and the disease does not pass back from person to mosquito.

The Ministry of Health updated its instructions for medical teams, who were instructed to focus their efforts on diagnosis and monitoring of the disease.

“The risk of significant morbidity is among adults and people with immunosuppression,” the ministry said.

In order to reduce exposure to mosquitoes, the ministry recommends using mosquito repellents and appropriate accessories to keep mosquitoes away in the living rooms, as well as turning on fans in the bedrooms.

West Nile fever has been known in Israel for many years and occurs mainly between the months of June and November. This year, however, the morbidity started earlier than usual, possibly due to the climate changes in Israel and the world. The humidity in central Israel may be leading to the reproduction and development of mosquitoes in the area.

In cases of West Nile fever, the Ministry of Health conducts an epidemiological investigation and the information is forwarded to the Ministry of Environmental Protection for prevention and local extermination activities by the authorities. In addition, the Ministries of Health and Environmental Protection inform the public about areas where mosquitoes infected with the virus are trapped.

For more information and FAQs on the Ministry of Health website, click here.


JULY 2024:



  • What are the signs of West Nile virus infection?

    Most people (about 80%) who are infected with the virus do not develop any signs of illness. In people who do develop signs of illness, the illness is usually very mild, flu-like and goes away on its own. The signs of the illness are: fever, headaches, weakness, joint and muscle pain, conjunctivitis, rash, and sometimes Nausea and diarrhea.

  • Possible rare complications (less than 1% of those infected) are acute inflammation of the brain or meningitis, rarely the disease ends in death, especially in the elderly and people with a damaged immune system. It must be remembered that this population, especially with other diseases in the background, is in danger of complications even from "routine" diseases such as the flu or pneumonia.
  • How should a person who has the symptoms of the disease behave?
    Similar signs of illness can also appear in other diseases, therefore, in the case of a febrile illness with suspicious signs of illness that appear 2 to 14 days after a bite, you should contact the doctor treating the community for diagnosis and advice.
  • What to do if I get stung?
    Most of the mosquitoes found in Israel are not infected with the virus, so not every bite poses a risk of developing a disease. In the case of a bite, you should act like any other bite. If necessary, a substance that soothes the itch can be applied to the site of the bite. In the event of an acute allergic reaction or secondary infection, consult a doctor if, 2 to 14 days after the bite, a flu-like fever develops.
  • What is the incubation period of the disease?
    The incubation period, from the moment of the bite until the development of the signs of the disease is 2 to 14 days (usually 6 days).
  • When did the disease first appear in Israel?
    The disease has been widespread in Israel for many years. The first documentation of West Nile fever, as an outbreak, was recorded in Israel in the years 1950 - 1954 and in 1957 a second outbreak was also recorded in the late 1970s and 1980s. Increased activity of the virus was recorded. In 1997 the disease was diagnosed in poultry. A year later in a large-scale outbreak, in 2000 there was an outbreak in Israel with over 400 cases of the disease. From 2001 until today, dozens of cases have been diagnosed every year.
  • Is it possible to contract the disease throughout the year?
    West Nile fever is a seasonal disease, which occurs mainly from late summer to late autumn. The period of peak activity of the virus in Israel is between mid-August and mid-October. In the other months of the year, isolated cases were recorded in the winter months, there may be cases in the southern Araba region.

  • How is the disease transmitted?
    The virus is mainly transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Culex (the "normal" mosquito). The tiger-day mosquito ("the Asian tiger") can also transmit the virus, but is not considered the main transmitter of the disease. The female mosquitoes become infected with the virus when they feed on infected animals, mainly poultry. In a process that lasts several days, the virus moves to the salivary glands. Such a female mosquito carrying the virus in its salivary glands will transmit to humans and other animals during additional blood meals.
  • Rabbi Weissman – The Gemara On Trusting Expert Doctors

    With the recent upsurge in medical propaganda once again, today's Torah class is especially important. What do Chazal actually say about...