01 April 2024

Anarchy Instead of Sharing the Burden

Supremes Hate Religious Talmidim Learning The Holy Torah, the Words of the Living God of Israel. Altogether there are some 40000 yeshiva students and some 25000 married students.

Minister points out: Over 40,000 secular Israelis avoid draft every year

Following Supreme Court's decision to freeze funding for draft-age yeshiva students, MK David Amsalem points out glaring double standard.

Drag those Anarchists (against the govt) to the Enlistment Office

Regional Cooperation Minister David Amsalem has pointed out that since the current Israeli government was sworn in, the Israeli Left has done everything in its power to bring it down by ways other than the ballot box.

"Since this government was formed, the Left has not given it peace. The protests, the violence, the court. They have not allowed the government to govern from day 1," he told Kol Hai Radio.

"I thought that something would change after Simchat Torah (October 7. - ed.), and it changed for a short time, but the Left continues its path of blocking roads and creating anarchy."

Amsalem added, "We are fighting on two fronts: There are over 80,000 people who are not at home, and the Left remains unmoved. We will defeat Hamas, and after that we will deal with all of the weeds who are not allowing the State to function. They formed a movement and planned to burn down the Prime Minister's home - people who were in the defense echelon, and you don't hear the Attorney General saying anything about that - only when it pertains to haredim. Their goal is not to enlist the haredim but to bring down the government." Amsalem also criticized the Supreme Court for their Thursday ruling, ordering that yeshivas be stripped of funding for students who are of age to enlist.

The justices invalidated laws like thieves in the night - in a war, so that we would not notice," he said. "Now they want us to pass the Draft Law. The goal is to bring down the government. They raised money to bring down the government even before it was formed. In my opinion, the Deputy Attorney General, Gil Limon, who was an aide to [former Attorney General Avichai] Mandelblit - together, they are puling the strings. Not [Attorney General Gali Baharav-]Miara. I would fire them even during the war, if it were up to me."

In his opinion, the Israeli government is acting properly: "We are more responsible than they are, and because there is a war, this is not the time for a judicial reform. We act responsibly, unlike the Supreme Court justices and all that crowd, Ehud Barak and his friends, who still continue slandering and inciting constantly.” 

Torah learning is an important foundation for the Jewish nation - without learning Torah, the Jewish nation does not exist. For 3,000 years they held on without an army - but not without Torah. This is the inheritance of the Jewish People."

Amsalem also noted that tens of thousands of secular Israelis do not enlist each year: "There are over 40,000 secular Israelis who do not enlist annually. By the way, I looked into it - the Arabs do not have an exemption, and despite this, the Arabs receive a full exemption, and the haredim arrive every year to file to defer their service, while the Arabs go to university at the State's expense and a haredi young man who wants to learn Torah.... Whoever is learning will continue to learn, and whoever is not should do National Service or similar."

"They hate us because we have the names Biton, Ohana, and Amsalem," he concluded, listing common Sephardic last names. "[Prime Minister] Netanyahu is persecuted because he leads us. If he were the leader of the 'Hershkowitzes' (a common Ashkenazic last name - ed.), they would work with him."


Anonymous said...

We see that all the upheaval happening worldwide now and especially for Am Yisrael which is all because of the global agenda that those behind it are getting very nervous and are rushing it down the throats of the civilized world. They have been working this plan for decades and with every decade speeding it up more. Once they reached this insane 'woke' portion and indoctrinated the foolish and uneducated stupid youth (i.e.,also meaning the so-called 'intelligensia from universities who have no I.Q's.), they are trying to finish off religion and as far as in E.Y., they have a stupid excuse of the chareidim being needed for army service because they would love to have them as fodder for our sonim, c'v, and/or water down these wonderful Torah youth from being Torah knowledgable and leading Torah lives.
These Erev Rav Amaleikim are all part of the satanic forces who consciously or unconsciously know that their sof is almost upon them and think they can win the war against Hashem. It's really laughable, but those that are stupid enough to join their ranks and go against H' and His children will rue their stupid decision. These are the birth pangs of 'chevlai Moshiach'
and guess who wins in the end! May Hashem bless each of these Chareidi Torah learners, young and old, with the strength of Shimshon HaGibor with such great success, and just as Shimshon did thousands of years ago against the wicked Plishtim may these Chareidim surpass even him even moreso.

Neshama said...

Thank you for such a caring comment.
HaShem is making it clear who is who and who is a yid!

Rabbi Avrohom Gurwicz: If Secular Studies Law Passes In Britain, Jews Must Leave Country

that’s the right idea!  Rabbi Avraham Gurwicz, head of the Beis Yosef Yeshiva in Gateshead, England , and one of the senior Roshei Yeshiva i...