04 April 2024

ALERT ..... APRIL 5 thru APRIL 8


Gavriela Dvorah said...

Since everyone is into making predictions, I offer mine. All this media hype and alleged military preparations is only meant to scare people. It's all from Hashem, because pachad is a form of teshuva. It will be good of some of our fellow Teleavivians feel fear and panic. I would be very surprised if Iran "retaliates" in a way that we anticipate. Sadly, the Israeli mentality is no longer the Middle East mentality, even though we live in the Middle East. Our leaders and most of Israeli society has become thoroughly westernized. Our enemies have patience. 9-11 was planned for 10 years. Simchat Torah massacre was also planned for 10 years. These people have patience. We do not. I think it's better to focus on Pesach cleaning, or perhaps to daven that Moshiach should come now so that we all go to Yerushalayim and don't have to clean for Pesach! Now about that solar eclipse and what the evil ones in American plan....that's another story.

Neshama said...

Dear Gavriela Dvorah
What will you say if we have to wait another bunch of years?

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I don't think about it. I try to focus on today, what does Hashem want from me today? how can I do better teshuva today to hasten the revelation of Moshiach? and I look for Moshiach every day. Who will come against Israel, when, how...these things are not in our control. Only Hashem runs the world. It's an interesting intellectual exercise, and I'm definitely a new junkie from my days as a lobbyist, but at the end of the day, I know that everything is in the Hands of HKBH. I remember a story I heard many years ago by a frum Jew living at that time in South Africa. She spoke to our community. She told the story of how they built a high wall and security fence to ensure they were protected from the gangs and violence that was perpetrated in South Africa. She made sure that they hired the best security details for their children. She provided the best Torah education and shielded her children as much as possible from all the influences of the outside world. Yet, she couldn't save her daughter from becoming ill with leukemia, a condition from which her daughter subsequently died. She realized that she is not in control of anything. If we keep this in mind, we only need to do our histadlut and leave the rest to the Creator of the World.

What’s With The Hands??

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