25 April 2024

Rabbi Weissman: A Lifesaving Lesson From the Haggadah Plus*****

 Wild information follows the article.  Please share it widely.

A Lifesaving Lesson From the Haggadah

In a few hours we will read a simple, straightforward line in the Haggadah that you probably know by heart. If people paid attention to what they were reading and internalized the message – which is the point, after all – we would be far less vulnerable to the threats against us.

We would see through our enemies who come dressed as friends, we would see through the Erev Rav who come dressed as upstanding Jews, even rabbis, and we would be on high alert when they come to “protect” us from danger. We would not be such easy prey and run eagerly into their every trap.

We might even develop the courage to disobey them and, with Hashem's help, expunge them from our midst.

The line I am referring to is as follows:

שלא אחד בלבד עמד עלינו לכלותנו אלא שבכל דור ודור עומדים עלינו לכלותינו

For not only one stood up against us to wipe us out, but in every generation they stand up against us to wipe us out.

We say this every year, we sing it joyously, but do we even understand what it means? Do we believe it?

Do we really believe that the Holocaust never really ended, but it was just a temporary cease-fire so our enemies could recalibrate?

Do we really accept that the countries that defeated the Nazis were not particularly opposed to their plans for the Jewish people? That they in fact welcomed Nazi leaders into their lands (Israel included) and gave them high positions, so the Nazis could teach them all they knew about desensitizing a population, dehumanizing a group of people, and systematically murdering them with great efficiency – with many of the victims continuing to trust and obey them until the very end?

Do we fully grasp the implications of this and realize that this actually matters, to this very day?

Do we really believe that every single generation in history, including our parents' generation and this generation, our enemies are hard at work trying to destroy us?

This is not referring only to some clownish leader of an insignificant country who pines for the destruction of Israel, but has no wherewithal to achieve his dreams. It's referring to the clownish and not-so-clownish leaders of the most powerful countries in the world, including your own. Some of them disguise their true feelings and intentions better than others, but as we speak they are plotting and conspiring to destroy us. They have done this every generation in history, without exception.

Everyone will say this in a few hours, but very few of us really believe it.

That makes us very easy prey.

This is not a new problem. The Jews in Germany didn't believe it. The Jews throughout Europe didn't believe it, even when their brothers escaped from the camps and came to warn them. The Jews in “Palestine” didn't believe it about the British and their Arab neighbors. The Jews throughout our troubled history didn't believe it wherever they found a bit of respite and so much as a lukewarm welcome.

The Jews in America, Europe (what are Jews still doing in Europe?!), and around the world still don't believe it today.

Sure, Iran wants to destroy Israel, but we got that covered.  We have a "Jewish" army, and "Jewish" leaders, and international support.  Right.  

As long as we have enemies who make no attempt to disguise their intentions, we tend to overlook the ones who do. In fact, we embrace them. We run to them for support. We overlook all the red flags. We rationalize all their betrayals. We refuse to even entertain the possibility that when the cameras are off and they sit among themselves, they seethe with hatred for us and plot our destruction.

Impossible! This time it's different. It can't happen here.

We refuse to believe that people who are openly at war with God would seek to shut down shuls and yeshivos any way they can.

We refuse to believe that enemies who come dressed as friends – and even as Jews – would work day and night to infiltrate our yeshivos, take over our institutions, control our media, and poison our minds from every direction.

We refuse to believe that people who loathe the sight of religious Jewish children, who deem them an existential threat to the Erev Rav gangsters who control Israel, would actually try to harm them with “safe and effective” shots, or manufactured crises and wars.

We lie to ourselves and mock people who actually believe what they read at the Seder. Only crazy people think that they are actually trying to destroy us today, same as always.

How would people have reacted differently the last few years alone, during the Covid shmad and subsequent assaults on our bodies, minds, and souls, if they simply internalized this one line from the Haggadah?

In every generation they rise up against us to destroy us. “They” refers to the most powerful people in the world – including the leaders of your own country, wherever you are, Erev Rav Israel included.

They do not always try to destroy us with swords, or bullets, or gas chambers, or ovens. Sometimes they have to be more subtle. They have to use artifice to disarm us and make us easier prey.

But, one way or another, they are always plotting our destruction and working day and night to make it happen.

Hashem will save us, as He always does. But how painful it has to be, how many casualties we have to suffer along the way, is primarily up to us.

This year, don't just read the words. Think about them. Internalize the deep, divine truth contained in them.

When enough of us do that and make better decisions accordingly, we will finally merit to see better results.

*   *   *

An Oct 7 Bombshell

Former Mossad head Yossi Cohen "assumed an ambiguous role in the Hostage Family Forum", an extremely shady organization that is behind the Bring Them Home Now psy-op (which I exposed in an important article here and podcast here). This was casually dropped in an interview with Mishpacha propaganda-zine.

Yeah, nothing weird about that.

Just like there's nothing weird about a huge advertising agency registering the domain name for the Bring Them Home Now campaign.  

The same advertising agency that worked for the Ministry of Health during the Covid psy-op.

And there's nothing weird about the State of Israel running Super Bowl ads in conjunction with Bring Them Home Now (see here and here for two of the ads, and here for a Jerusalem Compost article about it, and here for the National Hasbara propaganda wing of the government).

Of course, if these ads were designed to achieve sympathy and support from goyim around the world who are apathetic at best about Jewish hostages thousands of miles away, it only had the opposite effect.  Of course it did.

And there's nothing weird about the State of Israel having unlimited funds for expensive stunts like this, and feeding all of Gaza, while its own people can't make ends meet and IDF soldiers rely on charity for food and gear.

But it gets even crazier.  The following information was brought to my attention by an anonymous follower.  

Way back in 2000 the northern border with Lebanon was breached by infiltrators.  They abducted three soldiers, who were subsequently murdered.  

There were intelligence warnings about a well-planned attack on the morning it took place -- but they were ignored.  There were clear signs at least a month before the attacks and warnings from IDF soldiers at the site of the attack that something big was imminent.  But these warnings were dismissed.

A crucial part of the electronic security fence "malfunctioned", but this information was not shared with the soldiers patrolling the area, and demands to repair the fence went unheeded.

The cameras didn't work that day.

Soldiers in the area were forced to drive in unprotected jeeps.

The kidnapping was incredibly easy.

Even after the soldiers were kidnapped, the IDF was slow to respond, waiting 45 minutes to send helicopters, which was more than enough time for the terrorists to disappear.  Furthermore, they did not prevent vehicles from leaving the Arab village of Sheva, where the kidnappers were suspected of hiding after the attack. 

As always, the criminals investigated themselves and it all went away.  We collectively forgot this ever even happened. (A Hebrew article with more details is available here.)

The general in charge of the area was Aaron Haliva, who is also the head of military intelligence today.   He was reportedly absent the day of the attack in 2000, just as he was absent on October 7, 2023.

Oh, and the date of the kidnapping in 2000?

Shabbos Shuva, October 7.


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*   *   *

The gaon Asher Weiss with the creepy Milei and his creepy rabbi, Axel Wahnish. 

I wonder if rabbinic operatives for the Erev Rav regime hate being trotted out for things like this.

Weiss was megaleh panim b'Torah, as is his wont, to rule that Wahnish was obligated to go to a Christian Cathedral for an "interfaith ceremony" in honor of Milei (see here).  

*   *   *

A rabbi in America sent me a retarded email in which he asked why Jews are now being attacked all over the world.  He answered that it's all because of a leftist plot to bring down the Netanyahu government, in which they collaborated with Hamas to allow them to attack settlements while the IDF would do nothing for 7 hours, which would undermine Netanyahu.  The only snag was Hamas went too far in their savagery beyond what was expected, forcing the generals to eliminate Hamas, which caused collateral damage, which turned world opinion against the Jews in support of Hamas.

Like I said, retarded, and I told him so. 

You want to know why Jews are being attacked all over the world?  Because a year ago they said “Next year in Jerusalem” but they didn't mean it.  They didn't even want it to be true.  So they got a little motivation.

Maybe this year more of them will mean it. 

For their sake, I sure hope so.

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