09 April 2024

Eighteen 18 Top Sefardi Rabbanim Sign Letter Rejecting Compromise on Draft


ISRAEL (VINnews) — Eighteen leading Charedi Sefardic Rabbanim have signed a letter, rejecting any compromise on the draft of Charedim – regardless of whether they are learning in yeshiva.

The letter, released Sunday, was signed by Roshei Yeshiva and influential Rabbis associated with the Shas party, including Rav Ovadia Yosef — the son of the Chief Sephardi Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef.

“Compromise will lead to ruination,” said the letter, adding that “we will not be deterred from going to prison” and “give our neshamot bravely and courageously to observe our holy Torah.”

The letter stated that pressures to increase Charedi participation in the military are part of a “malicious plan” to “gather under their control” the Charedi public and “reduce the number of those who observe” the Torah.

The letter also addressed the critical issue of state funding for yeshivas, urging donors to fill the vacuum left by the High Court’s decision to freeze yeshiva funding.

“In this fateful time, part of the measures are to deprive the livelihood of Torah students, to harm them and force them to leave the world of the Torah. We call on donors of our People to fund the yeshivas with all their might.”

The letter clearly appeared to reject a compromise offer by Welfare Minister Yaakov Mergi of Shas, who proposed to honor the draft of Charedim who are not studying in yeshiva in exchange for guaranteeing the exemption of those who are.


moshe said...

Yasher Koach to the Sephardi Chareidi Rabbanim and their righteous assessment of this whole debacle. They are 1000% correct! Their reasoning is spot on, because it is true that the IDF want control of these youths; For their great kiddush H', these Rabbanim will be blessed and they will WIN! Every initiative taken now by our righteous leaders and general public who stand up for Hashem, Torah and kedushat Eretz Yisrael will be blessed and victorious. Amen!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Since tge medinat will no longer fund yeshivas, it has lost its zehut and no longer has a reason to exist. This is why we will soon see its collapse. But we shouldn't celebrate because in the interim, before Moshiach is revealed, we might fall under the domination of Pharoah redux, aka Lapid whose life mission has been to rid the Jewish People of Torah.

Neshama said...

Good grief Gavriela, what does that entail?
Maybe Gog and Magog war and fireworks in the skies??

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I have no idea. But if you go back in time, and listen or watch some of Lapid's earlier speeches, especially one that he gave in a yeshiva, you can clearly see his agenda of subjugating Torah to "leftist, liberal values." Also, it is no secret that he follows in the footsteps of his father, who hated Torah and all religious Jews. I can't tell you where to find that yeshiva talk, but I remember that he sort of "congratulated" the bochorim for reaching a significant percentage of the population, for still being frum. In fact what I remember is that he said, "you won, we lost" i.e. we tried to make this a secular country, but failed. You're still here. And then he told them that since they've won, it is time for them to step up and fill the jobs in the medinat. As I watched it I couldn't help but see and hear Pharoah as he cunningly recruited the Hebrews in Mitzrayim to join the national building initiative, which they joined because they forgot who they were. And then slowly, they became enslaved. Lapid gave away territorial waters, without approval from the Knesset. He will give away all the parts of Israel that he hates to the fakestinians, including Yerushalayim. When he PM, during that awful reign with Bennett, he didn't go to the Kotel, he went to Yad V'Shem and then to his father's grave. He doesn't care about Yerushalayim. And now he in America making secret deals with Eisav and Jewish kapos. So, no, I don't see this war Gog and Magog, I see a civil war here in Eretz HaKodesh and we will need to be like the Maccabees and once again fight to restore this Land to HKBH.

Neshama said...

Thank You
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