28 April 2024

Rabbi Weissman – The Mythical Prohibition to Leave Exile Until Moshiach Comes

 The Mythical Prohibition to Leave Exile Until Moshiach Comes

Not surprisingly, many galus Jews who want to stay in exile for materialistic reasons, while pretending it's piety that keeps them there, have taken great umbrage to my recent class. As usual, they've doubled down on a misreading of a single cherry-picked source from Chazal that has become their ironclad Get Out of Israel Free card until Moshiach comes to whisk them away – something they aren't getting up at chatzos every night to tearfully pray for, besides.

Meanwhile, they haven't said a word about the numerous sources from the very same Chazal that clearly contradict their position. All they do is make oblique reference to the Satmar Rebbe (even if they can't tell you anything he ever said about anything else, and can't even read his sefer), and other desperate, mindless appeals to authority.

That's why I referred to them as intellectually dishonest. I've even told some of them that I actually support people like them staying in galus and licking the boots of the goyim until Moshiach comes, because we don't need losers like them in Eretz Yisrael.  I'm not sure all of these people will make it back for the final redemption, either.  After all, 80% of Klal Yisrael was left behind in the plague of darkness, which still afflicts so many today...

I excerpted the portion from last week's shiur in which I shared more clear sources to stack against their lonely picked cherry that doesn't even support their position. It's available at

Share it and annoy some people today, with hope that one of them will actually allow the Torah to shape his views instead of the reverse.

Next week I'll try to get to the "Rebbe is Moshiach" cultists who took umbrage.  Quite a doozy there...

*   *   *

With one side of the mouth they tell us the terrorists have thousands of precision-guided rockets that can strike anywhere in Israel.  So how come they never strike Caesarea, Herzliya, Ramat Aviv, the banks, the high tech companies, and other “elite” hubs?

With the other side of the mouth they tell us the terrorists can't really control where their rockets go.  So how come they never randomly hit Caesarea, Herzliya, Ramat Aviv, the banks, the high tech companies, and other “elite” hubs?


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