08 April 2024


read on to find out how and why from those aged 20 to 60

Quoted Material:

Before the plague of darkeness began, there had been about 15,000,000 Jews who could potentially leave Egypt with Moshe Rabbeinu. By the time the plague was over, only 3,000,000 Jew remained, 12,000,000 having died during the darkness and buried before the Egyptians could see what had happened. It was the only plague that affected Jews as well.

Why did they die?

Because there were wicked people amongst the Jewish people of that generation who had no desire to leave Egypt, and they died during the three days of darkness (Rashi, Shemos 10:22).

From this it is clear that the redemption wasn’t just about freedom from slavery. It was about this:

    I am God, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, to be your God. (Vayikra 25:38)

This verse, as simple as it seems, succintly lays out the long-term game plan of redemption from Egyptian slavery. To qualify a person had to want to leave Egypt. There was no such thing as being freed by the plagues and then deciding to remain in Egypt, as four-fifths of the Jews found out during the Plague of Darkness.

Second, a person had to be willing to receive Torah, because a Jew can’t properly serve God wihtout Torah and mitzvos. This was the lesson taught through those who were involved in the incident of the golden calf, and who paid for it with their lives.

And third, a person had to be willing to go to and inherit Eretz Yisroel and settle it. As the verse and Talmud state, that’s the place where God is God to the Jewish people. As the generation of the Spies – much of the remaining one-fifth – learned, there are no exceptions to the rule, unless God Himself sends the Jewish people into exile.

That was then, over 3300 years ago. The Talmud warns though that the same kind of separation will occur again at the time of the FINAL REDEMPTION (ed.) as well:

Rebi Simai said: “It says, ‘And I will take you to Me for a people’ (Shemos 6:7), and it is also said, ‘And I will bring you in [to the land etc.]’ (Shemos 6:7). Their exodus from Egypt is compared to their entry into the Land: just as their entry into the Land was with only two out of 600,000 …” (Sanhedrin 111a).

Of the 600,000 men between the ages of 20 and 60 who left Egypt, only Yehoshua and Caleiv survived to enter Eretz Yisroel 40 years later. (ed.) The rest died in the desert because of the sin of the Spies. [me: this does not seem to take into account the status of the Leviim who were exempt, discussed in the next chapter.]

    “. . .so too was their exodus from Egypt with only two out of 600,000”. (Sanhedrin 111a).

[…] The chilling part of the Talmud’s statement is the last part:

    Rava said: “It will be likewise in the Messianic Era.” (Sanhedrin 111a)

What will it be likewise in the Messianic Era? Ironically, the Jewish population today is approximately what it was back in Egypt before the Plague of Darkness. And the Talmud seems to say that, just as the population was whittled down in Egypt to a much smaller number in advance of the first redemption, likewise will it happen again in advance of the Final Redemption.

Will it happen the same way as well?

It doesn’t say. […] 

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The above was transcribed from Rabbi Pinchas Winston's Sefer: “A Separate Matter,  ‘Ch. Relative Separation', pp 63-66 (about Birrur), or


Anonymous said...

Interesting/informative! We've all heard that many will not make it for the Geulah Shleimah.
But, the Rebbe of lUbavitch says that at this ultimate Geulah, every Jewish neshamah will be
saved. Everything is always about its interpretation; let's pray that the Rebbe's interpretation will override the negatives. May every Jew wake up and realize there is only Hashem and do teshuvah to his/her best ability and will all be redeemed! May it be

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Interesting. The Rebbe said that unlike l'tziet Mitzrayim, all Jews will be returned to Eretz HaKodesh, and many don't waver from this belief. I heard a rebbetzin in America say, a short while ago, that when Moshiach is revealed, all yidden will simply close their eyes, and they will be transported to Israel within 18 minutes. So, in the meantime, there is no need to leave America. Who knows? I just daven that we are close to seeing everything revealed.

Neshama said...

I like Reb Neuberger’s title, “ WHEN THE MOON BLOCKS THE SUN”
As it has another meaning!!

Neshama said...

Rabbi Winston explains that in the Geulah some Yidden who are deserving will be able to fly like birds.
Maybe this is what she is referring to?
I would like that very much!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Well, I'm already here, but I would love to fly like the birds. I used to hang-glide, but it's not the same thing (and not with that stupid motor like they use today!)

Neshama said...

Read Pruzansky, just posted

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