06 April 2024

On the subject of giving “Aid” to one’s enemy?

 A Very interesting comment I received on Aid to ones enemy

Did you ever hear, read or see where a nation attacked by a vicious enemy is being 'forced by other nations to give aid, food, comfort and everything else to the vicious beasts who perpetrated the most heinous crimes and which also goes against all international law? 

NO, of course not; but the hatred of the nations for the Jewish nation is an unnatural hatred, so the Jew who has a special great love and fear of G-D, our Father in Heaven, Who is waiting for His people, Israel, to show Him exactly that, and to rely ONLY UPON HIM and none other! 

Every Jew must wake up and realize their mistakes and do teshuva and cry unto G-D for His Great Mercy and Goodness and to Forgive us and Give us the super strength of Emunah & Bitachon in Him with the physical strength and means to show the world the VICTORY that Will be ours, and so the fear of Heaven with G-D's Great Wrath will come upon ALL our enemies and they will be for4ever vanquished.  


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Bitachon 188 - Hold On 'Til the End

We continue our study together in chapter 71 of Tehillim pesukim 5 and 6. Dovid Hamelech speaks of the faith he had starting as a small chil...