15 April 2024

THIS IS THE PROPHECY.... Iran Threatens the Globe


Iran threatens the entire free world

Iran's missile and drone attack on Israel was unprecedented, Iran also supplies arms to its proxies, is developing nuclear power and carries out assassinations worldwide. Concerted action is needed. Op-ed.  

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(JNS) It was recently reported that Iran Air operated three flights from Tehran to Yerevan, where the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) provided Armenia with drones and other types of armaments. Flight #IR4705 was documented to have arrived in Yerevan on various dates, including March 29 at 12:10, March 30 at 14:03, April 2 at 5:48, and April 3 at 7:32, departing on April 4 at 12:29.

These shipments are one way Iran poses a major threat to the free world. As Armenia seeks to get closer to France and the United States while applying for membership in the European Union, the weapons keep Armenia attached to a country that is nothing more than an international pariah building a Shia Crescent from Tehran to the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, with hopes to expand deep into the Caspian Sea.

Iran is propping up terror proxies like Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza. All of them are attacking U.S. allies across the Middle East right now.

Iran is edging closer to getting nuclear weapons day by day. It is a country that routinely chants “death to America” and “death to Israel.” It has a history of sponsoring terrorist attacks across the globe ever since the Islamic Republic rose to power in 1979.

Paulo Casaca, a former E.U. parliamentarian, noted, “Following the revolution, the mullah’s regime immediately commenced a wave of global assassinations, starting with the killing of the 34-year-old nephew of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shahriar Shafiq in December 1979 in Paris. As he was visiting his mother, Princess Ahsraf Pahlavi, a masked gunman shot him point-blank in the head.”

Ayatollah Khalkhali, who had sentenced every member of the Pahlavi family to death in absentia, claimed that the attack was carried out by a death squad belonging to Fadaiyan e-Islam, the Islamist Iranian group that he headed then, and said: “If we cannot arrest them, we will assassinate them.”

From that moment on, Iran systematically worked to assassinate its political opponents overseas.

Between 1989 and 1996, the Iranian regime assassinated more than 160 Iranian dissidents across the globe. One of the most infamous incidents of these Iranian terror attacks occurred in Germany. On Sept. 17, 1992, prominent representatives of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan Dr. Sadegh Sharafkandi, Fattah Abdoli, Homayoun Ardalan and their translator, Noori Dekhordi, were murdered in the Mykonos restaurant over dinner by assassins hired by the Iranian regime. As a plaque in Germany in the victim’s honor says: “They died in the battle for freedom and human rights.”

Hezbollah, another terrorist proxy of the Islamist Republic of Iran, was responsible for the April 1983 suicide-bomb attack against the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, killing 66 people; the October 1983 Beirut barracks bombings, during which two Hezbollah suicide terrorists separately targeted two buildings housing U.S. and French military, killing 241 American servicemen and 58 French paratroopers; the 1992 suicide-bomb attack against the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 22 people; and the 1994 suicide-bomb attack targeting a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killing 85 people.

More recently, Iran stood behind a 2012 suicide bombing in Burges, Bulgaria, that killed five Israeli citizens and a Bulgarian Muslim. Another 30 other Israelis were wounded in that terror attack. That same year, the wife of the Israeli defense attaché to New Delhi was wounded after an Iranian agent attacked an embassy car. Later on, the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi was attacked by the Al Quds Force, which damaged some of the cars in the area.

And more recently, Iran stood behind the attack upon the Azerbaijani embassies in London and Tehran. Now, the Iranians threatened to attack the Israeli Embassy in Baku in response to Israel’s recent attack upon the IRGC in Syria.

Unbelievabley, they launched over 200 UAVs and missiles against Israel on April 14.

When Iran sends weapons to Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Houthis and other proxies of Iran, it does nothing but encourage the Shia Crescent as it spreads its tentacles across the globe, wreaking havoc and spreading terror in its path. No one is spared their wrath.

One example of how it works is Iran’s support for Armenia and its aggression against Azerbaijan, which has raised questions about the true intentions of the Iranian government. Experts in Azerbaijan believe that Iran is actively working to undermine Azerbaijan’s sovereignty. . Reports suggest that Iran is mobilizing forces in Qom and other locations to prepare for potential conflict with Azerbaijan.

Furthermore, there are concerns about the presence of a fifth column within Azerbaijan, which is believed to be supported by Iran. It is said to be working against the interests of Azerbaijan and may still be active. Iran’s utilization of Armenia as a tool to pressure Azerbaijan is seen as a method to indirectly influence the country, as Iran lacks direct mechanisms to do so. Tehran’s decision to arm Armenia has further strained relations with Azerbaijan, particularly as Azerbaijan has been purchasing weapons from European countries.

Recent reports indicate that Armenia is diversifying its sources of arms procurement, including purchasing weapons from India and engaging in negotiations with Iran. The consequences of these agreements are now manifesting, as Iran’s direct support for Armenia is hindering the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia. By prolonging the conflict and preventing the signing of a peace agreement and border demarcation, the Islamic Republic is effectively obstructing the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

For this reason, Iran’s actions and arms shipments to other places pose a major threat to peace and security across the globe, and thus must be opposed at every available opportunity.

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