13 April 2024



Kosher in Name Only?

Can you trust OU-certified Pfizer-Food?

In kashruth, zero transparency means zero reliability. Should the “O-U” be renamed the “Zero-U?”

The Orthodox Union ("O-U") used to set the standard for kashruth in the US and abroad.
Now that they've capitulated to Bill'am Gates et al, we now have "kosher-certified" frankenfood. [1]
The O-U has veered from traditional Orthodoxy and instead has embraced a NWO-enhanced definition.
Perhaps from now on, for the sake of accuracy, they should be known as the "Genetically-Modified Orthodox Union," or GMO-U.
Moreover, the O-U refuses to divulge "proprietary ingredients" of the dubious products it certifies.

Here's an example:

90% of all cheeses made in the US use a bio-engineered enzyme called FPC, "Fermented-Produced Chymosin". FPC is made by Pfizer using CRISPR gene editing technology. 

Is it safe for human consumption? The safety of FPC was evaluated in a 90-day trial on rats. Good enough?

Pfizer's FPC was granted a "Generally Regarded as Safe" (GRAS) status by the FDA. Products with FPC do not require special labeling or indication of its source or method of production. (GRAS is a giant loophole for food companies.)

My friend contacted the OU and asked if the OU approves the use of FPC in their kosher products.

Their response: "At times, consumers inquire about the source or other details of milk or dairy ingredients. Unfortunately, the OU is unable to divulge this information, as a manufacturers source of supply is proprietary information. We are bound, both legally and morally, to maintain this confidentiality. Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you have any further questions. Sincerely,The Webbe Rebbe, Orthodox Union Kashruth Division" [2]

In other words, "we're not telling"

This is particularly alarming. How can this secretive rabbinic body be trusted for ANY of the products it certifies if there's no transparency? If they're "not telling" about a barely-tested Pfizer product that's used in 90% of all cheeses, what else are they not telling us?

And since the GMO-U is still the industry standard for kashruth -- i.e. all kosher agencies rely on its oversight for staple ingredients to varying degrees -- this creates a new challenge in modern times for kosher consumers.

Can you continue to rely on ANY kosher certifiers?

How can you be certain that they aren't relying on the GMO-U for some ingredients, disclosed or undisclosed?

Yes, this includes ALL of them, until they completely disavow the Zero-U and assure the public that absolutely no "O-U" ingredients are regarded as kosher by their agency ever again.

Furthermore, if your local synagogue, institution, restaurant, caterer, or mashgiach etc., uses ANY product under the exclusive supervision of this compromised Union that's Orthodox in name only, their kashruth is sadly no longer reliable.

Unfortunately in contemporary times, it's no longer possible to be a “kosher consumer.” The two are mutually exclusive.

Either you surrender your values and rely on compromised authorities to tell you what's “kosher,” or you stop being a consumer altogether. Stop consuming and start producing.

That's right, grow your own food.

That's the only authentically-kosher option.


[1] See Fake Meat, Fake Kosher (link below)

[2] Credit to the Sneiders’

Fake Meat, Fake Kosher

Strange times. Without a shred of medical training, Bill Gates has oddly become the recognized worldwide "expert" on "pandemics" and all things medical. However, even more oddly, this eugenicist computer geek has now been deemed the foremost expert on kashruth, Torah ethics, and human survival by none other than the Orthodox Union!  Read full story:


Anonymous said...

In other words, there is no kosher company worldwide that truly adheres to our Laws & normalcy!
It seems that mankind has to stop eating because how many people have the availabity to grow their own foods? Very few in comparison to the populations of the world and today's makeup of
urbanized cities, etc. It's hard to think that those chareidi sects would rely on any hashgacha that comes from the OU or the modern day standards. This is so freightening that Moshiach MUSTarrive very soon and all those complicit in these evils of this modern world be completely gone. This is not your usual evil, it is definitely 'demonic' and must get much greater exposure so all Jews will be aware of what's happening. The very frum Jews (chareidim) must make sure all their ingredients (manufacturers) are not contaminated and their businesses will be able to profit from this also; as all kosher consuming Jews will be their customers.
Between, the Amaleikim, pereadam and Erev Rav, this world is in deep trouble, having reached the bottom of the barrel, which can only lead to our yeshuah, the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu -
hayom, achshav, miyad, immediately! Ken Yehi Ratzon!

Neshama said...

SO FAR Only the BADETZ EIdah Haharadis in Eretz Yisrael.
Another Fact to compel Golus Jews to Come Home!

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