06 November 2023


 The soldiers report that while the days are calm, the fighting is extremely difficult between the hours of 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. IST.

As such, it was requested that everyone, particularly those who find themselves in locations where that is not in the middle of the night, say Tehillim during that time (7-10 p.m. EST).  

For those who would like to participate in a division of sefer Tehillim, attached is a spreadsheet. Please type your name/initials next to the chapters of Tehillim that you can accept upon yourself (bli neder) to say each day during those hours.

Besoros tovos,

- The admin

for Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller


Esser Agaroth said...

Who is the "Rebbetzin?"

I have no doubt that this is a positive endeavor, and with positive intentions.

However, every time I see "the" without any specific reference to a particular community, as if there is only one (I'm sure it was just left out) or "Rebbetzin" at all, I am suspicious.

Over the last 20 to 30 years, "rebbetzin" and "rabbanit" have been evolving into something more that just the wife of a [prominent?] rabbi, and becoming more of its own position in the clergy.

It is not. It is simply a sign of feminism sneaking into mainly modern orthodox and English speaking yeshivish communities, right under everyone's noses.

From Sept, 2015: Rebbetzin

Neshama said...

I added her name to the post.
It is a very wise and respected Rebbetzin = Tziporah Heller Gottlieb

EMERGENCY......PRAY FOR Netanelu (Arvin) Ghahremani

a personal note: this bochur represents all the bochurim in the Jewish frum world who are under the same threat, but not yet actual! Without...