18 November 2023

The Sweet Spot


Sometime after Tzahal commences its withdrawal from Yehuda and Shomron, but before the complete collapse of the State of Israel, those who reside in the hilltops will recognize their opportunity—and strike.

Call it the ‘sweet spot’ if you like, that transitional, somewhat anarchic period in between sovereigns, that will afford authentic Jewish warriors their first chance to seize the reins of battle and take the fight directly to the enemy.

A day for which we've all longed.

On that day, the Jewish nation will understand a new leadership, whose entirety is dedicated to the sanctification of the name of the Living G-d of Israel. 

On that day, it will become clear to the entire world that this is a war between Hashem Tzvakot and the false god Allah, the false god Yoshke, and any other false god whose adherents dare rise against the Creator and His people on their land.

This is not a war against ‘terrorists’, or ‘Iranian proxies’, or any other politically correct, euphemistic drivel.


This is my G-d, the Al-mighty, Hashem Yitbarach, against your vain and vacuous fakery.

And the only trick will be to get the timing right.

Not to jump the gun, as it were. 

To have the savlanut required to let history run its course—but not to wait too late.

Hashem is guiding us toward that moment.

And it's not far off.

Let’s pray we get it right.

And that deliverance follows swiftly.

Dean Maughvet


1 comment:

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Indeed, timing is everything. This will be the next war front, but not with the fakestinians, rather it will be with the Bidens.

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