07 November 2023

"ראינו את המוות בעיניים": כך ניצלו חיי המתפללים ב-7 באוקטובר כשחמישה מחבלים ניסו לפרוץ לבית הכנסת


Gabbai Describes Terrorists Attempts To Enter Shul In Sderot

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — On the morning of October 7th, Yossi Itach went to open the Shul in Sderot where he is the Gabbai. It was Simchas Torah and Itach was looking forward to the joyous dancing with the community.

Suddenly a worshiper ran into the shul, screaming that terrorists were coming. There was no place to hide and Yossi quickly pushed his son into the bathroom and went in with him. Soon five terrorists were outside the shul, talking volubly in Arabic. Apparently they thought that it was locked (it wasn’t) and were waiting for people to try and escape through the windows.

Fortunately an off-duty soldier was in the shul with a gun as well as another person with a pistol. The two positioned themselves near the door. A flurry of bullets were shot through the door and the two returned fire so that the terrorists would realize they had arms and would attack them.

It seemed like an eternity but finally the terrorists left the shul and went to search for other prey. A while later, soldiers arrived to rescue Yossi and the others from the shul.

The shul is still heavily pockmarked with the bullet holes from the battle and broken glass is strewn everywhere, but Yossi is deeply grateful just to be alive.

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