26 November 2023

Some thoughts......

 I am watching the hostage release faces of Israelis and what comes to mind, after this last group that includes several children (to pull at the heartstrings), is that the Hamas beasts are going to PUSH for a “permanent truce and cease fire” with Blinky and JB COERCING Israel chv”s in this direction. 

That’s why he’s coming AGAIN. 

With each visit it gets worse for Israel!

And chv”s if Israel does not agree, it may be not good at all for the remaining Israeli neshamos .


Anonymous said...

After all this, which makes the other times look tame, why does the public allow the leaders who have no shame to continue this farce? They outright lied from the very start of this horror and continue to play the game. How many wonderful chayalei Yisrael have to pay for their incompetence, coldness of these so-called leaders, r'l?
BTW, proves that they are true Erev Rav because real Yehudim are Rachmanim bnai Rachmanim and would never, ever put our people, especially our righteous chayalim, in harm's way like has been done with this whole disaster.


Neshama said...

Please listen to Rabbi Richter and his findings as to the spiritual cause of what happened to our dear Eretz Yisrael citizens.
What he tells us is amazing and sounds like the Emes. Why was it Rav Yehuda that found these startling sources?
Only HaShem knows.

But what it does say is that we still have a way to go chv”s and it might not be a gentle waking up. He also told us that the argument betw those sages ends with “it is not neces for every Jew to do Teshuva, but a large segment in order to bring the final Geula.

The way things look now, the “rebels” are still at their demonstrations, but with another cause, still against the govt. These demonstrators are unrelenting and cannot see that G-D is speaking to THEM! What comes next I can’t imagine. Maybe the rest of Am Yisrael will rise up to shut them down and get rid of the evil ones in the govt, and maybe put someone in charge that understands what HaShem wants!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Every day, Bibi or one of his comrades comes out to say how as soon as we pass through these (maximum) ten days of hostage release, we will return to the fighting with full force. They even reported that the war cabinet met and agreed to the new battle plans. Nothing but lies. No one believes it. And is it not amazing that this last group of captives were collected by the red cross taxis only a few kilometers from where our soldiers are standing???!!! They were taken from a neighborhood in Gaza city that the "soldiers had not yet entered but will soon..." How is it that we were that close and we couldn't find them??? The entire episode is a farce. Of course, I am grateful to HKBH for releasing some of our captives, especially the children who are the most traumatized. And don't be fooled by the waves. There is one good thing though. Our chayalim are tzaddikim. They sought and received tremendous outpourings of kedusha, Torah, tefilah, every day they thirsted for it and they drank. Perhaps the entire purpose was to build the army of Moshiach, because he will need one.

Neshama said...

I won’t ask how you found out what you did.
Yes, this whole “cease and produce hostages” smelled as soon as I heard/read.
If you listened to Rav Richter, you would then understand very much. His sources are amazing. And yes I am backtracking on alot.
The situation is playing out, SO BE IT.
Hashem is doing His part.
You,me, and other caring intelligent people will just have to wait it out, while doing our own teshuva.
After the “intermission” we should begin to see big changes.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Unfortunately, I can't say that I'm a spy! Or although I was once accused of being one. The report about the captives being only 1-2 kilometers away from our soldiers has been reported publicly. The Russian-Israeli guy was in a building that I guess we detonated or bombed and he escaped. For 4 days he was trying to make his way to the border. But, a gang of innocent Gazans found him and turned him over to Hamas. He must have special zechut because I would imagine they did not plan to release him. Putin intervened and pitom, he's out!

Neshama said...

Doesn’t that mean that R is deeply involved in this mess?
Since this was supposed to be an “all fronts” war to wipe out our little sliver of land!
But the A-mighty intervened and H couldn’t wait and began their slaughtering on the “Wave attendees”.
Otherwise .........
“All-fronts” includes all of Eisav plus.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

The war is just beginning. Eisav/Edom/Yishmael have yet to bond and come for Yerushalayim. But they will. What we experienced was only the start. I think that's why we had to strengthen our chayalim in Torah, mitzvot, and emunah. They will need it.

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