19 November 2023

Shalom Pollack ..... Finally

.......... Naming names

What’s Next?

Major General Aharon Haliva, the commander of army intelligence, is the one (of many) most directly responsible for the events of October 7.  One of the main proponents of the "concept" held that  Hamas would never dare attack and thus we could be confident and relaxed. In fact, in the months before the bloodbath of October 7, the Southern command reduced Israel's preparedness on the border including downgrading the local self-defense capabilities of the villages there.

He was not alone in spreading the deadly sense of calm.  Rather, he was part of an entire social milieu that led the country from disaster to disaster. A generation of military-political elites and their colleagues in academia, the media, and entertainment advanced their careers by supporting each other and strengthening the Oslo cult. They "drank the Kool-aid" together at the continuing Oslo fest and brought us all down together with them. 

When General Haliva was asked a few months before the Hamas holocaust what is the greatest threat to Israel, he said it was definitely climate change.

Another "intelligence expert" and fellow Oslo celebrant is Ram Ben Barak, former deputy head of the  "Mossad" (now  MK - Yesh Atid party). As Hamas was making its final preparations for the  October 7 onslaught, he confidently warned, "More than Hamas, Hizbullah or Iran, it is the  "hilltop youth" that pose the greatest threat to Israel.

The list of self-important fools is long. They all arrogantly led us down the wrong path, away from our natural selves as Jews and a Jewish nation to where we find ourselves today. There is a common denominator shared by the Oslo addicts and it certainly is not too much Jewish pride and faith.

If there is hope, it is that after this existential  trauma, the soldiers returning home and the people, in general,  will demand change, "from below" 

Hopefully they, unlike the Oslo criminal elites will realize that while other nations exist as nations, the people of Israel are a reminder of God's involvement in our lives and in history.

What next?
Only a leadership that lives and breathes this will make today's sacrifice a worthy one.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

Only HKBH will bring about a change in leadership, because I fear the current leaders of medinat Israel, almost all of whom lack emunah (although the pay lip service to the words) will return us to the same position we were before. I predict, that the "war" will stop, Hamas will still be alive and in control of Gaza, despite America's wishes to turn it over to Abu Mazen. Everything you hear from Bibi is propaganda. He doesn't have the emunah and bitachon required to make the tough choices. And, if my prediction comes true, then the entire establishment, coalition and opposition, forfeits their right to live in Israel. The land will vomit them out, may it be so!

Neshama said...

I agree with the first half, but there will have to be more than ‘spitting’, something like a “takeover” by a foreign power ( fienrd)!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Yes! A takeover by Moshiach! It's the only thing that will save us from Eisav/Edom. Another thing that has occurred to me is that the WH obsession with "extremists" could also be a lead-up to how they envision the fakestinian state will be created. If Beeden insists on calling for a contiguous "state that includes Judea, Shomron and Aza, then what does he plan to do with the 500,000 Jews living there? I anticipate a verdict that all the "extremist" yishuvim will need to be evacuated and turned over to Abu Mazen. Now, what will they do with the Gush Etzion block, who have no intention of leaving, no matter what? Turn it over to Abu Mazen and his army of terrorists? Only Moshiach can stop this train wreck. It is written that Judea will rise up against Yerushalayim. I always wondered what that would look like. Maybe this is it. Of course, it's also written that the Galil will be destroyed. I hope Hashem changes that one!

Neshama said...

The security apparatchiks have gone over to JB WH apparatchiks! This means a civil war.
Did you read Smotrich? The govt will explode! IY”H
Then the Hilltop uprising will add fuel to the fire!
Maybe “Judaea” is the Hillbillys?

Gavriela Dvorah said...

What did Smotrich say? Yes, I fear we are in for a long war, on different fronts, not just the physical one in Aza. I fear that Hamas will be left in control, not just alive, but in control. I fear our leadership's lack of emunah will cause them to give a small victory to Hamas, and we will be stuck with Hamas to go no torturing us until the time of Moshiach. I pray that I am wrong. But, right now, it's looking like Hashem is not finished pushing us to do teshuva sheleima.

Neshama said...

Take a read of my recent posts.
Esp Daniel pipes

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what it looks like and as dire as we think it could, c'v, be; it will not, because H' is with us, just like the tefilah says - 'utzu eitzah v'sufar.....' These are very depressing times and it's part of the wakeup call for our people and the start of actually seeing the beginning of the Geulah Shleimah in real time. The Erev Rav have to disappear and our sonim eradicated and this will be with the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu. If the pm pushes for a trade with these rotzchim, the people, this time, will revolt and it might bring the sinah of our sonim (eisav & yishmael) to a head where they come up to Ir Hakodesh for the ultimate milchamah neged H' and Am Yisrael and there is where our salvation will be realized; Hashem will take care of this milchamah! Amen!

Neshama said...

Thank you very much Yosef

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