22 November 2023

A Few Insights From Machon Shilo

 Jewish Warriors and Prophecy


 Benny Gantz's Concept of Fighting a War

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the new shiagon known as the 'woke' system. Heim naflu alharosh. This is what is a perfect definition for 'insanity'. This so-called yehudi memshala has become totally westernized and are copycats of the new western armies; totally emasculating themselves.
Their screws are loose and their rosh cannot function normally. This proves how Hashem
is in control of everything because He is bringing down Esav and this is part of it. Since these are G-Dless kooks now running the show (H' has a great sense of humor) the world gets to see the insanity, but with Israel, there will be Victory, unlike the other nations, and all the quackery will soon backfire on our enemies, the pere adam, who will be destroyed. This has and will further awaken our holy chayalei Yisrael to proclaim Victory, but not of their own doing & might but through the spirit of Hashem, Ish Milchamah.

Great sense of humor.
We pray that in spite of the insanity of the leadership of the military, H' Yerachem & will protect all the chaylei Yisrael in the battlefield and to win great victory, greater than ever and relate to the world that Hashem made great miracles because they put their full emunah and bitachon in Hashem and that is how our victory is won. NITZACHON GADOL!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

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