30 November 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Intelligence agents and Kahanists should not be guiding us

 What surprising merit did Eisav have that terrified Yaacov?  

Were Shimon and Levi right?

More teachings from Chazal to guide us and inspire us. This is how we win. This week's Torah class is available here.
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Keep serving your oppressors and dying at their command. UNITY!!!!  

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People are so busy arguing with each other and once again being divided over the "hostage deal" that they are no longer paying attention to how they were allowed to be taken in the first place. First it wasn't the "right time" to ask questions and now, predictably, people have forgotten all about them. Turn off all the propaganda, distraction, and deflection and don't lose your focus from the real issues.

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Intelligence agents and Kahanists should not be guiding us

Just another gentle reminder that people who spent their lives working for the American and Israeli deep states...

...who insist that what Hashem primarily wants of us right now is to go Rambo on our external enemies...

...who believe the main priority is for us to vote for "religious right wing parties" in the next election (who are poison shot pushers and control freaks who want more surveillance and more government control of your life like all the rest)...

... who admitted to having tortured someone in his murky career as an intelligent agent...

... who was irresponsible enough to say on a public video, watched by a large contingent of gentiles, that we should nuke Gaza...

... who said we need to silence the families of hostages, and imprison them if necessary to keep them quiet...

... who had the chutzpah to say that when his wife spent decades publicly speaking out on his behalf when he was incarcerated...

... who is not a talmid chacham and, as far as we can tell, is not guided on any significant level by talmidei chachamim before drawing his conclusions and issuing these public statements...

... who talks about his relationships with people high up in the government and military and the meetings he has with them — the same people who oppress us and regularly sell us out...

... who spouts obscenities...

... who spouted obscenities about the "charedi" world for declining to enslave their young men (and women?) in the army, as if everyone is morally obligated to offer up sacrifices on this un-Jewish altar, just because every country needs an army...

... who, despite his career as an intelligence agent, still maintains this is primarily about left wing versus right wing and political wrangling, and seems to have no better idea about how things REALLY work behind the curtain...

...just another gentle reminder that people like this may be interesting, speak well, and make some good points, and they might even have their heart in the right place, but they should not be directing our thinking, our behavior, or — God forbid — our nation.  

The same is true of washed-up Kahanists with their bombastic statements, belligerent fantasies, cult of personality, and a religion that revolves around watching videos of their long-dead leader, Jewish gangs, and nuking people, if only they could, with cherry-picked Torah sources on waging all-out war against our enemies the extent of their actual Torah knowledge, and, really, all they wish to learn about. 

It's no coincidence that Kahanists failed the Covid test — the real Covid test — miserably.

There's a reason why this movement burned out after the death of their leader and failed to inspire another generation.  

When you raise these concerns with Kahanists, they will react with belligerence and senseless arguments, for they have no real depth or compass. They are unable to be introspective and consider the possibility that their movement failed in large measure because of its own fatal flaws.

One-dimensional people with lots of passion and a penchant for violence, but little actual Torah grounding or yearning for it, are irrelevant at best and potentially dangerous. They will not lead us to a better future.  

I say this as someone whose father was personal friends with Rabbi Kahane, and admires much of what Rabbi Kahane said and wrote. I have no agenda. I'm just stating things as they are.

Never stop thinking for yourself — really thinking for yourself — and develop your beliefs strictly with the Torah as your guide. When in doubt, consult serious Torah scholars who don't work for the establishment, not talking heads, people with shady pasts, and Rambo wannabes.


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Anonymous said...

Does the blog author agree?


Neshama said...

yes and no!

Anonymous said...

Check out Pesikta Rabbati 36.


Neshama said...

Please provide link

Reb Neuberger Special Message – We Are All Hostages

  WE ARE ALL HOSTAGES A  choshuve  person asked me why I have not written about the hostage release. “This should be a time of elation, a ti...