25 November 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Not the Messiah or the next great Jewish leader


There's a video of Jonathan Pollard going around that has a lot of people excited, because he is strongly critical of the government and talks tough against our external enemies.  These days if you tell people some of what they want to hear, they will crown you the Messiah and whitewash whatever else you say and do, no matter how wrong and downright psychotic it might be.  

It's no chiddush to be against the hostage surrender deal, so we need to set the bar a little higher than that.  Pollard still believes in Otzma (whose leader pushed the poison shots and is currently pushing VERY draconian laws in the name of "security") and voting, as if the people who really run things would ever allow someone truly for the people to gain real power that way.  

The guy worked his whole life in intelligence.  He should have more awareness than this about how things really work.

Pollard also endorsed locking up families of hostages who say things he doesn't like, in the name of "national security" in a time of war.  Have we learned nothing?

Much of what he says is very disturbing.  I can't jump aboard the hype bandwagon, and wouldn't want him to ever have power, like so [many] people are pining for.  Pollard is an excellent storyteller, but we don't need him for voting advice or a Torah perspective on how to deal with our enemies.   

I like a lot of what Pollard says, but he's not the Messiah or the next great Jewish leader. 

Be careful what you wish for and what you support.


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Anonymous said...

In this climate we find ourselves hearing, faced with so much confusion. I'm glad you saw fit to put both Polard's words and these in opposition. I sure dont know enough to speak or choose between the two. But I share this, I spoke up about my beliefs by the Shabbos table ..on what 'the families' have done, whom they have reached out to and have been taken in by. Boy was I berated. I was told who am I to judge? Judgement comes upon those who judge, I was told. This affected me more than I can describe. I am left with pain and confusion. I feel achdus is the most important thing. This leads me to the only thinking I have left and that is...Hashem must show up NOW. He must give us a righteous ruler NOW. I am utterly lost...

Anonymous said...

First time that I disagree with Rabbi Weissman.
Personally, I think JP would be a perfect replacement for the higher ups in the military.
They are all 'woke' which means tzudreit in gantsen!
JP is much more knowledgable when it comes to matters of intelligence/military.
He puts E.Y. first.
I agree with Rabbi Weissman about the leaders in the gvt about not being able to trust them.
They are probably 'all' part of the global agenda mvmt.
JP is also G-D fearing (rule #1) and seems to know what he's talking about.
When the military descends to where they are now is pretty sick.
But, however it turns out now, Hashem is in full control and our Moshiach is
almost at the door; may his coming be with great mercy on Yisrael & every
Yiddishe neshama!

Neshama said...

Leah, first, thank you for expressing your opinion. All opinions are valid and should be considered, unless against the Torah.
No Jew is lost!!
We all have HKB”H watching over us. He is orchestrating this surreal situation, and we may find it difficult to comprehend, but we don’t really have to understand everything. Some things are of the spiritual realm and must play out, in order to reach our Geulah Shleima.
Personally, those “demonstrating” against the PM are the same who have been demonstrating against him all along. Before and after OCT 7.
I believe most of those demonstrating are the same rebels against the govt, while among them are the aggrieved families. They are still fighting the elected govt! Just a different reason.

Can you stand back and see the bigger picture?

Neshama said...

Yosef, thank you.
Firstly, it’s th3 military “echelon” woke traitors, NOT our Tzitzit loving soldiers out in the smooth of Gaza.
Rabbi Weissman has a good point. And you also have a good point.
Pollard is very controversial.
That said, I believe we have the anti-rebels among the grieving families who have usurped their distress and are using it to CONTINUE their war against the elected govt. most of these are professional rebels demonstrating. The families are being taken advantage of in order to protest against BiBi.
he needs to be protested against for many other deceptions and evil decisions.
I didn’t listen to pollard about the hostages, but maybe he didn’t clarify his reasoning adequately.
HOWEVER TomerDevorah has a new vid where he declares ISRAEL must CUT the embillocal cord!!!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Controversial is an understatement. According to verifiable reports, the Kaplan Group and the leaders of the protest "against the coup" are the people who took control of the captives' families. They orchestrated everything, so yes, it is true that they merely found a new vehicle for their same goals--to topple the government. Today it would be horrible to be blocking the highway and causing chaos in Tel Aviv, so they do it this way instead. Baruch HaShem, some of our captives have been released (in exchange for terrorists), but nevertheless, they're home. I was a bit put off by Pollard's suggestion that the captives' families not be allowed to speak or face punishment. But cutting ties with America is absolutely necessary. However, because we are addicted to the country, I don't see it happening until the true face of Eisav is revealed to such an extent, that even the addict know he must seek treatment. But Pollard is not Moshiach, on this I agree. We wait.

Neshama said...

The last Mr Anonymous, please identify yourself with a name, any name and use it each time you comment.

Anonymous said...

of course, I meant to use the words 'higher ups' or echelons. When you type fast, I notice a few words remain in your mind and skipped over by the keys. I usually use either higher ups or echelons when I mean top leaders of the army. The soldiers are the amcha & are tzadikim!
Also, why does everyone use apples and oranges no matter what. In other words, JP would be
perfect at this time as the head of the military. First thing, he has 'common sense' which is so lacking now.
There are a few reasons that the bad guys used this horror for their own political purposes or maybe orders from the ptb's. Excuses for everything so no matter what would be best doesn't really matter here because the bad guys won't allow it. Just remember that H' is running the real show which eventually will mean total victory for the bnai Yisrael & Eretz Yisrael.
Also, we need common sense now, even if Moshiach isn't here yet because Moshiach is beyond our pay grade, meaning that's m'Shamayim and we just have to keep on praying for his arrival.

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