08 November 2023

Mi K’Amcha Yisroel

Despite whatever one thinks and feels about how one should relate to this whole War Travesty and Project, we have some dedicated Tzedekes who are helping the sons, brothers, fathers, cousins, and maybe grandfather chayalim to cling to HaShem by donning TZITZIS.

The amazing ladies in Har Nof have just received ANOTHER bunch of –

5,000 more shirts have arrived -TZITZIT PROJECT tonight & tomorrow BH we have already sent out 20,000 to our chayalim!!!!!  And the requests keep coming!

Mi K’Amcha Yisroel

Are we going to see another war-wave of Baalei Teshuva?

I hope so.

One Be’eri elder resident upon seeing their Synagogue functioning again,  “ (One old-timer said that he hadn’t prayed for 60 years….)”. It’s never too late according to Hashem’s time.

Another ongoing facet is the weather! Did anyone stop to recognize that HaShem is holding back the rain so the soldiers can do their “work” in comfortable temperatures?

But when they have finished, watch out. 

We surely will be pelted with enough glorious raindrops for the Land to produce the biggest fruits, freshest greenery, and amazing flowering and blossoming of the Land in time for IY”H Pesach and Mashiach!

1 comment:

Shimshon said...

I have noticed the lack of rain too!

I mentioned to my wife a few days ago how odd it was. For as long as I can remember, even in dry years, there was always one significant storm during or soon after the chagim were over. This year, I read about some heavy rain in Jerusalem recently, but where I live, much closer to Gaza, we barely had a few drops. Otherwise, nothing but dew.

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