07 November 2023

Caroline – The Next Massacre

The 'Massacre' Coming to Judea and Samaria


This Women has the pulse on the arm of Israel. Caroline shows love and passion for her Jewish roots and life . She is spot on about this Biden Administration.

I love this program, Mss. Glick is such a clear thinker and truth seeker for Israel.

Swede here. I fully support Israel’s right to defend yourselves by any means. Sadly, the times in Sweden are dark and antisemitic. It’s awful.

Please know Caroline this isn’t the views of the Christian Right. We stand with Israel and we will not stop our own lobbying of our representatives. As always praying for Israel.

As a Australian woman, I stand with Israel 🙏 unfortunately our government in Australia is corrupted to the core and most Australian people don't stand with Albanese and the corrupted government here Love and God's blessings from Australia

Speaking as a very pro-Israel, American Jew, with close family and distant living in Israel, I strongly urge Israel to make their own rifles. IMI is more than capable of making extremely high quality weapons, and 24,000 is not that big of a deal for them. Anyway, the Tavor is probably a much better close quarters weapon than the M4 is. They shoot the same ammo and take the same magazines, and IMI also makes those, as well. Stop relying on other nations, even the United States, for basic weapons of self-defense.

Dear Ms. Glick thank you for helping me understand the Isreali situation better.😢 honestly, this makes me so angry. The lies, gullibility of average people, and deceitful schemes of our U.S. government is sickening. I admire how Israelis are able to remain diplomatic in the face of such outrageous action by your enemies. My heart breaks for G-d's chosen people. Praying constantly

Thank you for your coverage. You talk about things i don't get to hear on the news in my country. Treatment of Israel by other countries is disgusting and undeserved. I just watched on my news the EU proudly pronounce that they are the biggest donor to Gaza. Like it's something they should brag about. I'm horrified by what's happening.

Thank you Caroline Glick, to give us infos about this fact, saying that Judea-Samarria is the new treat because of Jews settlers. The olives’ harvesting is always a topic of the massmedias to blame Jews. And I’m observing that this propaganda concerning Judea-Samarria is spreading with another topic on Benjamin Netanyahu’s secret document to blame him.

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