14 November 2023

BUSY SKIES: Gaza Is The Karmic Tinder Box – BIG RED is Close

Gaza Is The Karmic Tinder Box For CERN's Current LHC Heavy Lead Ion Collisions Before The Flyby.

This Celestial Flyby affecting Earth right now is not scheduled in my current model for affecting us now. I was wrong here, like I was wrong on the 17th June 2018 and a flyby came in, unpredicted. And if anything, please remember that I am one of the few people who is proved incorrect when a celestial flyby, beyond belief occurs, that I HAVEN'T predicted! Ha!! 
You know, just to say I know I'm not perfect and make mistakes as well. In my model, we were passed that, well potentially, and yet here it is again and all the most fearsome things are moving into place in anticipation for something big. 
And The Collider if running at full speed with its lead ions full of all the power pumped into them from all those nuclear power stations over these last months, where we have inflated them, these lead ions with what? What is their difference now, from when those lead ions were fed into the accelerators, forced up to the speed of light, where they can go no faster, and yet in they poured more power: so where did all the power go when the atoms could not go faster than 99.9999 percent of the speed of light? 
What has MASSIVELY increased in this equation that makes this, the most powerful collision ever conducted, so dangerous? 
 thumbnail: World of Signs, What Just Happened On Our Earth!!! October 2023 -

MrMBB333  These things are getting VERY difficult to explain!

Comment:  Serious question: Could these be holographic? I work with a company that has indoor holographic products. Similar in nature.

[ME: very good question, just might be]

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