20 November 2023

What Did HaRav Zilberstein Respond To The Mexican Yeshivah Bochurim?

 Yeshivah bochurim in Mexico wrote a letter to HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein expressing their fears about returning to their yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael due to the war.

Read HaRav Zilberstein’s answer below:

 Regarding what you asked that since a war is raging in Eretz Hakodesh, and you’re having doubts about whether to return to your yeshivos that you left before Sukkos:

In the year 1933, when Hitler yimach shemo rose to power, they asked the Chofetz Chaim if he would chas v’chalilah succeed in his plans to rid the world of the Jews. The Chofetz Chaim responded that it’s meforush in the Neviim ובהר ציון תהיה פליטה והיה קודש (עובדיה א, יז). And so it was that Hitler’s downfall began when he got close to Eretz Yisrael.”

“We are now in the era of ‘עקבתא דמשיחא,'” HaRav Zilberstein continued. “And the nations of the world are rising up and increasing their hatred, r’l against the entire Jewish nation scattered throughout the world, and as can be seen, no place in the world is safe and calm and only HaKadosh Baruch Hu in His great mercy saves us from their hands.”

“And since you are coming to learn and be diligent in the Torah HaKedoshah (and to try to refrain from דיבורים בטלים, especially during seder), the Torah protects and saves and especially in Eretz Yisrael, where just being here is a mitzvah and a great protection. Therefore you have nothing to fear and it’s surely guaranteed that you won’t be harmed at all.”

“And especially if you take on learning two hilchos Shabbos every day – then the zechus of Shabbos will also protect you, like the words of the Ibn Ezra – ‘כי אשמרה שבת א-ל ישמרנ.’ Through learning the halachos, you are mekadeish the Shabbos and you’re zocheh to a שמירה עליונה.”

1 comment:

Gavriela Dvorah said...

There's a video that has been circulating of a mother and father asking the Rebbe, alov hashalom, whether they should tell their son who was learning in yeshiva to leave Israel due to the war. The Rebbe not only responded that the son should remain, but he told them to not even mention that the thought had arisen in their minds that he should leave.

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