05 November 2023

Rabbi Weissman: Hashem's mysterious ways and Mordechai Sones on the intention to abandon settlements

 In this week's Torah class we learned more fundamental, timely lessons from the Midrash, with insights into Hashem's mysterious ways, and continued our study of bitachon from Chovos Halevavos.  The recording is available here

In this month's Amalek and Erev Rav program, I spoke with Mordechai Sones, News Director at Frontline News, about the "intelligence failure" on Simchas Torah, self-defense, the vulnerability of yishuvim (settlements), and the express intention of the Israeli establishment to surrender yishuvim to hostile Arab neighbors...or even allow them to be destroyed.  The recording is available hereThe correct link is here.

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I loathe the Slimes of Israel, but this is important testimony.

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So how many gentiles who previously thought Hamas are the good guys have seen the light thanks to all our intrepid social media warriors?  

Far be it from me to suggest the time could be better spent.  

I'm stating it outright.

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“The thing I remember the most, and the most traumatizing thing for me from this ordeal, was [being evacuated after hours of fighting and] arriving at the entrance to the kibbutz and seeing 500 soldiers stationed in an organized and orderly manner, standing and looking at us,” Yair Avital, one of the surviving members of the kibbutz’s security team, told Channel 12 in a segment aired on Wednesday, referring to the situation at 6.30 on the evening of the massacre.

article screenshot 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember Gush Katif when the Jewish soldiers came to expel the owners of these beautiful homes and property; even though they looked so sad but they still just followed orders and acted the similarly as the amaleiki army, y's v'z, that 'murdered' Jews and later had the audacity to say 'they were just following orders'. From them, it makes sense, Amaleikim are rotzchim and they instinctively hate the Jews.
But when you see young Jewish chayalim just taking orders, no matter the consequences to our people. There are no words to explain it.
I understand to a degree because these soldiers couldn't possibly imagine that the orders are really betraying our own people. The world is so upside down where evil has become good and good has become evil. We realize this is all m'Shamayim and a 'wake up call' for our people to return and reconnect to H', our Father in Heaven. We need to cry out to H' as we did in Mitzrayim and that is when H' sent us Moshe Rabbeinu to redeem us. May Moshiach come now in a blink of an eye with the greatest of mercy to Jewish neshamot to redeem us for our ultimate Geulah!

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