05 November 2023

Guest Blogger Esser Agaroth – Stop Saying Gush Qatif!

IMPORTANT ARTICLE ABOUT CONTEXT:  Gush Qatif, Gaza, Eretz Yisrael, Gaza Envelope Communities. Go to EsserAgoroth for some good enlightenment!

Every time you say Gush Qatifgush (goosh), meaning "block," as in a geographical area, and qatif (qah-TEEF), meaning "picking" certain fruits and flowers, you are not talking about returning to the 17 towns in Southern Gaza from which Jews were expelled in 2005. [see link above for entire article]

Gaza Map showing Gush Qatif

Rather ...

Please start paying attention to the news about the clashes between Jews and Arabs in Judea and Samaria (West Bank), about armored vehicles being given to Arabs in Shchem (Nablus). This is already a four-front war: Gaza, Lebanon, Judea and Samaria, and Houthis from Yemen.

So, now, will you please stop saying Gush Qatif? Instead, start saying Kol Eretz Yisrael Kulah - All of the Land of Israel.

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