31 October 2023

NEW YORK TIMES – Aiding and Abetting an Enemy in Wartime




Every day, the New York Times writes exactly what Israel is doing in this war. Today, for example:

[…] This is the New York Times providing intelligence to Hamas, using satellite photos and other information sources Hamas doesn't have access to. Planet Labs, as far as I know, only provides paid services, and it would not be allowed to provide services to Hamas directly, so why can the New York Times buy and publish the same information where Hamas can read it? READ MORE AT ABOVE LINK.

What will Israel do about this? 

KOFY TIME with Yehonatan Pollard


Rosh Chodesh Nissan IY”H


הוא 14 יום, ערב פסח אליהו הנביא פסח תשפ"ד זה זמן הגאולה

מתי המלחמה תסתיים? סוף העולם - אור גדול עומד לרדת מפי הצדיק המקובל רבי אליהו אביטבול ורבנו שלום

בבקשה, הנה לפנייך תמלול השיחה:
"ברוך הבא.. ברוך הבא..."
אתה יכול לשבת, כבודו!
שואל הרב שלום: אז, הרב אמר: בחול המועד פסח, הראיתי לרב - הרב דיבר שאחרי סוכות – סוף העולם.
אז הרב שלום שואל: מה הולך להיות? עוד כמה זמן זה הולך להימשך?
הרב: העניין ככה: אמרו חכמים על ההפטרה שקראנו בחג הסוכות: "ביום בוא גוג על אדמת ישראל"...
[בנביא יחזקאל, בפרק ל"ז, מופיע ונכתב] "חזון העצמות היבשות", כתוב (שם): "התחיינה העצמות האלו"? – אז, מה הקשר? – שואל הצדיק הרב אביטבול, שליט"א?
והוא ממשיך ומשיב לשאלתו: שיש מלחמה שתתחיל בסוכות ותיגמר בערב פסח! - ואיפה זה כתוב: אליהו הנביא אמר על הפסוק הידוע: "ויאמר כי יד על כס יה מלחמה לה' בעמלק מדור דור". איזה יום הוא זה? - בערב פסח, בחצי היום הראשון - חצי החודש הוא 14 יום, ערב פסח. 
"...כי יד על כס יה...." - ישב הקב"ה על כסאו וזה יקרה בערב פסח!
בשניה הזאת העולם ייגמר ויש מלחמה תימשך מערב סוכות עד ערב פסח. 
שמה ייגמר, האור ירד. תהיה מלחמה, יתערבו אומות העולם, יהיה אטום (פצצת אטום)!
הגר"א אומר: יהיו שלוש דקות (של פצצת) אטום וה' יעשה את המלחמה...
שאלה לרב: אז מה עלינו לעשות ע"מ למתק את הגזירות האלה?
תשובת הרב: ע"י הצדקות, ע"י התורה ... ברחמים, ברחמים...!  
הרב אסולין ממשיך ואומר לצדיק – הרב אליהו אבוטבול, שליט"א: 1500 יהודים נרצחו שם בעוטף עזה. ויש שם שבויים. מה יהיה עם השבויים?
הרב אליהו אבוטבול: בע"ה ישתחררו בקרוב. הבעיה שזה ייקח זמן, מה שאמרו חכמים – וזה גם מי שאמר ... רבינו יהונתן אייבשיץ, זצ"ל. האם ראיתם את המכתב שלו?
הנוכחים שואלים את הרב אליהו אביטבול, שליט"א: מה הוא אומר?
הרב שלום, שליט"א מקריא את דברי הרב יהונתן אייבשיץ, זצ"ל: "ובאמת אצלנו בעוונותינו הרבים קרתה עצת בלעם אשר אמר לבלק: "אשר יעשה העם הזה לעמך באחרית הימים. דהיינו: "אחרית ימים", שהוא שמחת תורה, שאז בעוונותינו הרבים שהשטן שולט, ונעשית כמעט עצת בלעם בעוונותינו הרבים שיש בו תערובות הנשים ונשים בחורים ובתולות ירקדו כאיילים ושועלים ירקדו שם ונעשית בעוונותינו הרבים פרצה גדולה..."!
"זה מה שהיה!!! הבנים והבנות הלכו ... איסורי עריות והיה שם גם פסל (כידוע לכל מי שראה את הסרטונים מאותה 'מסיבת טבע / מסיבת הנווה', ה' יצילנו!!!!!! 
(וזה קרה) בשמחת תורה!!! הִנֵּה!!!
הרבנים משיבים בהסכמה לרב שלום אביטבול, שליט"א: כן, בדיוק כך!!!
ממשיך הרב אליהו אביטבול, שליט"א ואומר להם: "ובעל ה'יערות דבש' כותב את הדברים אלו כבר לפני כ- 300 שנים"!!!
כבוד הרבנים אומרים לרב אליהו אביטבול, שליט"א: "זה רוח הקודש, הרב, אהה...? זה רוח הקודש"!!!
הרב אליהו אביטבול, שליט"א ממשיך ואומר: הגיע הזמן הזה! הנה!
רבי צדוק הכהן מלובלין, זצ"ל, הוא אומר משיח יבוא בראש חודש ניסן!
"בניסן יגאלו ובע"ה ניגאל (בחודש ניסן)! זה מה שאמרו כולם!!! על מלחמת גוג ומגוג – והגאולה תהיה בניסן בע"ה! זה הכל מוכח!!!
הרב שלום והרב אליהו אסולין אומרים לרב אביטבול: החיילים הולכים במסירות נפש....
הרב אביטבול: "בטח, בטח... הם צדיקים גדולים!!!
הקב"ה יציל אותם ולא יגעו בהם! שילכו בריאים ושלמים במלחמתם וכן יהי רצון ונאמר אמן"!!!

GOOGLE TRANSLATION (not verified – may contain improper words, please comment)

It is 14 days, the eve of Passover Elijah the prophet Pesach Tashpad is the time of redemption

When will the war end? The end of the world - a great light is about to descend from the mouth of the accepted tzaddik Rabbi Eliyahu Abitbol and Rabbi Shalom

Please, here is the transcript of the conversation:

"Welcome.. Welcome..."

You may sit down, Your Honor!

Rabbi Shalom asks: So, the rabbi said: On the day of Pesach, I showed the rabbi - the rabbi said that after Sukkot - the end of the world.

So Rabbi Shalom asks: What is going to happen? How much longer is this going to last?

Rabbi: The matter is like this: the Sages said about the Haftar that we read on the Sukkot holiday: "On the day Gog comes upon the land of Israel"...

[In the prophet Ezekiel, in chapter 37, it appears and is written] "The Vision of the Dry Bones", it is written (ibid.): "Did these bones cry out"?

And he continues and answers his question: that there is a war that will begin in Sukkot and end on Passover Eve! - And where is it written: Elijah the prophet said about the well-known verse: "And he said that a hand on the throne is a war for the Lord against Amalek from generation to generation." what day is it - On the eve of Passover, on the first half of the day - half of the month is 14 days, on the eve of Passover.

"...because there is a hand on the throne...." - God will sit on his throne and this will happen on Passover Eve!

In this second the world will end and there is a war that will continue from the evening of Sukkot until the eve of Passover.

Her name will end, the light will go down. There will be a war, the nations of the world will intervene, there will be an atom (atomic bomb)!

The Gra says: There will be three minutes (of a bomb) atomized and God will do the war...

A question to the rabbi: So what should we do about sweetening these decrees?

The rabbi's answer: By righteousness, by the mercy, by mercy...!

Rabbi Assulin continues and says to the tzaddik - Rabbi Eliyahu Abutbol, Shalita: 1500 Jews were murdered there in the Gaza Strip. There are prisoners there. What will happen to the captives?

Rabbi Eliyahu Abutbol: BA will be released soon. The problem is that it will take time, what the sages said - and this is also who said... Rabbi Yonatan Eivshitz, zt'l. Have you seen his letter?

Those present ask Rabbi Eliyahu Abitbol, Shalita: What does he say?

Rabbi Shalom, Shalita, reads the words of Rabbi Yonathan Eybshitz, zt'l: "And truly, in our many sins, the advice of Balaam happened, who said to Balak: "What will this people do to your people in the end of days. Namely: "Acharit Yamim", which is the joy of the Torah, when in our many iniquities the devil rules, and Balaam's advice is almost fulfilled in our many iniquities, in which the mixture of women and young men and virgins will dance like stags and foxes will dance there and a great breach will be made in our many iniquities..."!

"That's what happened!!! The boys and girls went ... celibacy prohibitions and there was also a statue (as everyone who saw the videos from that 'nature party / the Neveh party' knows, God save us!!!!!!

(And it happened) on Simchat Torah!!! here!!!

The rabbis agree with Rabbi Shalom Abitbol, Shalita: Yes, exactly like that!!!

Rabbi Eliyahu Abitbol continues and tells them: "And the owner of the 'Honey Forests' wrote these things about 300 years ago!!!

The honorable rabbis say to Rabbi Eliyahu Abitbol, Shalita: "This is the Holy Spirit, Rabbi, huh...? It's the Holy Spirit"!!!

Rabbi Eliyahu Abitbol, Shalita continues and says: This time has come! Here!

Rabbi Zadok HaCohen of Lublin, zt'l, he says that the Messiah will come on the first day of Nissan!

"In Nisan they will be redeemed and in Ha Nigal (in the month of Nisan)!" That's what everyone said!!! About the war of Gog and Magog - and redemption will be in Nisan in Israel! This is all proven!!!

Rabbi Shalom and Rabbi Eliyahu Assulin say to Rabbi Abitbol: The soldiers walk with dedication....

Rabbi Abitbol: "Sure, sure... they are great tzaddik!!!

The Almighty will save them and they will not touch them! May they go healthy and safe in their war and so be it willed and we say Amen"!!!


[ME: my estimation of conclusion of this war IY”H might be either PURIM or PESACH

The Leader We Pray For

by Chananya Weissman
March 15, 2006, The Jewish Press

It was a chilling scene. Hundreds of people lay on the ground, helplessly awaiting their fate, which would be decided arbitrarily by a single man. This man looked them up and down as his armed followers awaited his instructions.

The prisoners had heard tales about this man, how he would unhesitatingly kill his enemies by the scores at the slightest provocation. It was startling to many of them that a man known to be so cultured, so artistic, so gentle and kind in other situations could also be so ruthless. The prisoners didn’t understand this man — but they feared him more than death itself!

“Split them into two equal groups!” he ordered. “Measure them with a rope. One group will live and the other will die. Let the living ones carry testament back to their people.”

Of course, this is the story of King David defeating the nation of Moav and taking vengeance upon them for killing his parents. David thereby achieved peace with them, and Moav subsequently paid tribute to him. (Samuel II Chapter 8)

Not long after, King David sent emissaries to offer condolences to the prince of Ammon upon the passing of his father. This was in violation of the Torah’s command not to make peaceful overtures to this nation that had traditionally demonstrated cruelty to the Jews. The prince, now king, was advised by his counselors that David’s emissaries were really spies. He accepted their words and sent the emissaries back to Israel in humiliating fashion, with their beards half cut and their garments torn to their waists.

In the pantheon of insults and degradations that Israel and its ambassadors have suffered, this hardly tops the list. Nevertheless, King David responded swiftly and decisively. He waged war with Ammon and Aram, a mercenary nation, and killed more than 40,000 soldiers. 

Subsequently, Ammon and its allies, “seeing that they had been defeated before Israel, made peace with Israel and paid tribute to them.” (Samuel II Chapter 10)

If David was known to the world and most of his ignorant fellow Jews as more than a harp-playing underdog who slew a giant, what would be said about him? The first anecdote would produce shrill cries of “Nazi!”, “Savage!”, and every sort of condemnation, while the second would make today’s timid, image-conscious Jew shudder and look over his shoulder. Most Jews would be perfectly comfortable discarding King David as a Jewish role model, eager to sacrifice him on the altar of enlightenment, compassion, and tolerance. Those with a smidgen of attachment to their heritage might redefine David as a primitive man in a primitive time, one who if he lived today would respond more diplomatically in our more complicated, modern world.

Even the most observant Jews would not be comfortable discussing David’s wartime accomplishments, let alone take pride in them – certainly the organizations that represent observant Jewry would never do so, for fear of blandishments and a cut in their allowance. Perhaps this is why the study of Navi has become relegated to women and children, lest the lessons of Jewish history become burdensome on those with a budget and contacts in high offices.

Yet one small fact will not go away. We Jews pray three times every day for the leadership of the House of David to be speedily restored. Reform Jews will have no trouble slicing this passage out of their prayer books if they ever become aware of its significance (assuming they have not already done so), but what about observant Jews? Do they really know what they are praying for, and if they did, would they continue to do so? Do they pray for a gentle caricature of David in a vague fantasy world instead of the real thing?

I am not a bloodthirsty man.

I am not an extremist.

I am a simple Jew who permits traditional Jewish teachings to shape his views, rather than the reverse.

King David shed lots of blood in his career as a warrior and a king, but he was criticized by a prophet only once in his life. Following the episode with the prince of Ammon came the infamous story of Batsheva. David ordered his general to allow a single Jewish soldier to be left in a perilous situation, and this man was killed by the enemy as a result. For this the prophet Nathan castigated David (something no truly immoral king would stand for, let alone humbly submit to), and David accepted several harsh decrees upon himself in contrition. All because a single Jew was indirectly killed through his command.

Leaders of Israel and the Jewish people should take particular note. Perhaps when faced with difficult situations they need to reflect and ask themselves, “What would King David do?”

David was never criticized for his violent reprisals against foreign enemies. On the contrary, these acts are recorded as heroisms that were never even questioned by those who received messages directly from God. He was a gentle man – but in times of war, and in times that needed to become times of war, he went against his nature, did what had to be done, and didn’t apologize for it. David recognized that degradation of his diplomats could not be taken lightly, let alone more tangible acts of war.

This is the leader we pray for three times a day, and have prayed for for thousands of years.

When the day comes that more of us really mean it, perhaps we will merit the fulfillment of this prayer.

30 October 2023

Caroline Glick and Victor Davis Hanson in a Discussion of the Varied Facets of what Israel is Facing Today

 Clear and Understanable

Where do the American people stand on the Israel/Hamas war? Is the Biden administration out of step with its policies? Should Israel continue listening to the United States on how to conduct the Gaza war? Caroline Glick's guest this week is historian, commentator and classicist Dr. Victor Davis Hanson.

Chofetz Chaim, z’tl, said 90 years ago…...

 Chareidi journalist Aryeh Erlich posted the words of the Chofetz Chaim, z’tl, about the Yishmaelim 90 years ago.

Erlich wrote: “I’m not the one saying it, because it’s not politically correct these days but look at what the Chofetz Chaim, z’tl, said 90 years ago.”

“The Chofetz Chaim was once asked about the future of the relationship between the Jews of Eretz Yisrael and Bnei Yishmael, and this is what he answered: ‘Our Torah is eternal – when it says ‘והוא יהיה פרא אדם’ – it means that Yishmael will always remain פרא אדם. Even if the civilized nations of the world will try to educate them, it will not succeed -because they are [inherently] uncivilized.”

“Even if he [a Yishmaeli] receives an education and becomes an attorney – he’ll be a פרא אדם attorney. And if he’s educated to become a professor, then he’ll be a פרא אדם professor.”

“Because his savagery will never be removed from him. The Torah said ‘והוא יהיה פרא אדם’ and ‘יהיה’ means forever.”

The Choefetz Chaim concluded by sighing and saying: “Oiy, who knows what this פרא אדם will do to Am Yisrael at the end of days!”

Brucha Weisberger

Are pogroms being planned? Please help stop the hate. We are ALL in danger. PRAYER is the answer. Current Events Part 2:

Do you imagine that media who lied about covid would report truth about the current turmoil? Everything is part of the NWO plan to create a world war.


Two nights ago, I awoke in a fright. In my dream, I was in an apartment adjacent to my childhood home, and terrorists were trying to get in. There was a very simple lock on the doorknob which they kept opening, but I kept immediately re-locking it on the other side. Then, I saw them cutting through a wall, instead. I contemplated taking the opportunity, while they were busy sawing, to escape on the other side of the building, but I was kind of frozen. I think that’s when I woke up.

Certainly, this nightmare reflects the fear for our very lives that so many of us are feeling -more intensely, perhaps, than ever before - since the October 7 massacre.

This article is long - the topic is vast, and I’ve been struggling for over a week with how to present it. Meanwhile, more and more keeps coming in.

What I want to talk about in this post is how the terrible anti-Semitic hate that’s exploding worldwide is being fanned very deliberately, and for sinister aims. And it is NOT only the Jews who are in danger, because they only start with the Jews.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Evil people created this scenario. They are pitting peoples against each other, purposely creating enmity among those who used to live in relative harmony together for hundreds of years. They want a world war.

WORDS MATTER. They kill. Words are long range murder weapons. So much of what the media is showing us are fake constructs designed to convince the public of what they want everyone to believe, to accomplish their goals.

Truth does not matter to them and neither do lives. In fact, those who are orchestrating everything, for whom the mainstream media are their tools, want millions of people dead. The hate that is being whipped up is with a very ugly aim in mind.

The journalists who inflame the anger directly cause deaths.

This example is just a microcosm: Many news sites were quick to run the October 17 story about “Israel bombing Gazan hospital and killing 500,” but it wasn’t true. It was a Hamas missile that fell short, and the death toll was much, much less than that. The hospital was not destroyed - the missile hit the parking lot - and Israel was not responsible for the loss of life.

But the damage was done. The hate was already aroused to boiling. That was the goal. This is a perfect example of the by-mistake-on-purpose false reporting which brings danger to Jews worldwide.


Kol Haolam exposed the New York Times’ carelessness with fomenting hatred - actually, no, not carelessness. It’s done with purposefulness and expertise. […]

[giving away the position of IDF entering Gaza:]

[exposing the identies of Israeli soldiers (and tatoo on arm) faces:] 

[text omitted]

  1. P.S. As I have made clear in previous posts, I am very well aware that there are very wicked forces pulling the strings in the Israeli government, intent on bringing death upon their own Jewish people. I don’t know for certain who the evil forces are, but they appear intent on making the country Judenrein. Please do not confuse the peace-loving people with whoever actually holds the power in the government and has killed untold numbers of Jewish people by covid shots and by other means. They clearly take orders from the same worldwide forces who hold power in the US and Europe, each country forcing the shots on their own populations and destroying the fabric of their own societies with “woke” agendas.



Brucha at

Worldwide Yom Tefillah – HaYom 4 PM Israel and 10 AM NY (only 6 hr dif this week)


Within the text is the following in English [...] says that we are in a really dire situation surrounded by enemies in Israel, in a very difficult position for three weeks, and we really need a ton of Heavenly compassion, to get out of this.

They are asking people to say the following tehillim together:

13, 20, 91, 121, 130, 142


Then if you’re in a minyan of men, I think it’s saying recite the 13 attributes (? – can readers help me out here, I’m not good with yeshiva short hand).

And then, to recite the Acheinu Bnei Yisrael prayer.

And then, recite the Parshat Ketoret.


 Pro Hamas Muslim Mob Storms Russian Airport to Lynch Jews From Israeli Flight

Dagestan, Russia (AP) — MOSCOW (AP) — Hundreds of people on Sunday stormed into the main airport in Russia’s Dagestan region and onto the landing field to protest the arrival of an airliner from Tel Aviv, Israel, Russian news agencies and social media reported.

Authorities closed the airport in Makhachkala, the capital of the predominantly Muslim region, and police converged on the facility. There were no immediate reports of injuries or arrests.
Russian news reports said people in the crowd were shouting antisemitic slogans and tried to storm the airliner belonging to Russian carrier Red Wings.

Video on social media showed some in the crowd on the landing field waving Palestinian flags, protesters attempting to overturn a police car and others checking the passports of passengers who had arrived in Makhachkala.



Hamas Supporters Block Brooklyn Bridge, Vandalize Police Cars

BROOKLYN (JNS) – More than 7,000 pro-Hamas protesters blocked traffic on New York City’s Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday as they chanted slogans in support of Hamas terrorism.

Protesters chanted “Long Live Hamas” and “Freedom by any means, land back by any means,” among other shouts calling for the elimination of the Jewish state, the New York Post reported.

A 26-year-old man was arrested after he was caught vandalizing a car, police sources told the Post. The suspect was charged with auto stripping, criminal mischief and possession of a graffiti instrument.


Rabbi Weissman – Part II

*   *   *
About six months ago, which feels like forever, I sent out the following article.  It's most appropriate once again.

In this age of instant reactions and herd mentality, we need to step back and ask a simple question: What would King David do?

I encourage everyone to read through the parts of Shmuel and Divrei Hayamim that cover King David's life. Even a superficial reading will fill you with true Jewish feeling and thinking, and an occasional refresher course will fortify your mind against un-Jewish ideas. 

King David would not plead with the United Nations to condemn the recent slaughter of Jews in Israel. Under his watch, Israel would have nothing to do with the wicked farce that is the United Nations, let alone grovel for their recognition, sympathy, or approval. 

King David would not plead with world leaders to issue statements in support of Israel. He would not ask them to affirm Israel's right to exist or Israel's right to defend itself. Who does that? How pathetic!

King David would not freeze construction of homes in any part of Israel, ever, in order to mollify those who don't want Jews living there. Who ever heard of such a thing? How could a leader of any country adopt such a policy and face his people, or even himself?

King David would not respond to the slaughter of Jews by granting approval for limited construction of additional homes. One builds homes for his people because that's what normal people do, not as a punishment to those who murder his people. Do you think the bloodthirsty Arabs are deterred because of this? Do you think they ever sat around planning a terrorist attack, and then called it off because an apartment was approved in some border town in response to the last one?

Do you think they quake in fear because we quickly clean up the aftermath of a terrorist attack and “go back to normal”, proclaiming that killing our people won't deter the rest of us from going on living? Do you think that deters them? “Oh no, the Jews cleaned up the blood! They are drinking coffee and shopping again! Why should we bother killing more of them?”

Our enemies laugh at us. They scorn us. And they are right. We are fools and losers for pretending this is an act of defiance or deterrence. 

Our enemies would not laugh at King David. They would cower in fear at the very mention of his name. 

Needless to say, King David would not obsess over protecting “innocent civilians” when fighting for the lives and dignity of his people. He would chase after Israel's enemies, and wouldn't stop until they were utterly decimated (Tehillim 18:38). If a few “innocent” friends and neighbors of our enemies were in the wrong place at the wrong time, that was their bad luck; war isn't pretty. Our people come first.

King David would not worry about “radicalizing” more terrorists by unleashing fury on the current batch of terrorists. King David never made such calculations. He took care of business. It worked extremely well, far better than anything the people who make all sorts of calculations ever tried.

King David would not spend a fortune sending aid to foreign nations that despise Israel. That is not a sanctification of God's name; it's a desecration of God's name. Let Turkey have earthquakes. Not our problem. We have plenty of our own poor and suffering people to take care of first.

King David would not worry about other countries cutting off their “aid” to Israel for behaving like a real Jew. King David would never accept their "charity" in the first place, let alone grovel for it. He would not allow Israel to be dependent on other countries, or beholden to them, or allow them to meddle in our domestic affairs. That is a desecration of Hashem's name like little else.

King David would not only allow Jews to pray on Har Habayis, he would encourage it. It would be incomprehensible to him that Jews face any restrictions in their own land, in their holiest place, while foreign interlopers act like they own the place. 

King David would never be concerned that a Jew behaving like a Jew, and observing anything in the Torah, would be considered “provocative” to Israel's enemies. What business do we have being in Israel at all if not to behave like Jews and observe the Torah? If our enemies are provoked by that, King David would dare them to do something about it. Just you try.
They might try. Once.

If King David were in charge, we would have Pesach sacrifices in accordance with the Torah. We would certainly not worry about slaughtering a sheep being viewed as primitive or provocative by our enemies. 

If King David were in charge, beautiful innocent Jews would not be slaughtered as Pesach sacrifices in lieu of sheep. If anyone so much as lifted a finger against a Jew, or a rock, or gave him a dirty look, King David would get biblical on them. He would show them what a holy war is.

But King David is not in charge. The Erev Rav deep state is in charge.

So Jews are regularly slaughtered, and maimed, and beaten, and spat upon, and intimidated in their own land, by miserable squatters who are emboldened by our fear and fecklessness. We nervously try to explain to the world why this is wrong and unfair, seeking love and receiving only scorn. Again, the world is right to scorn us. Why should they love people who don't love themselves? Why should they respect people who don't respect themselves? 

Why should our enemies fear people who are always quick to fight their own, but make calculations before fighting their enemies? Who squabble among themselves, yet reach out to their killers with “gestures” of peace?

King David would be quick to fight his enemies, but would be a brother and friend to all his people, instead of dividing them against one another.

The problem is not so much that King David is not our leader, not even close. The problem is that too many of us don't want King David to be our leader. They have drifted so far from the Torah, from what it means to be a real Jew, that they would be horrified by the thought of someone like King David leading us. They prattle about “Jewish values”, empty buzzwords like “love” and “tolerance”, but they represent neither Judaism nor anything of value. 

Even Jews who believe themselves to be religious have been corroded by fake Jewish leaders, relentless propaganda in the media (even the “right wing” and “religious” media), educational institutions that produce obedient clones and drones – each according to their mold – but not people who would ever vote for King David if the Erev Rav deep state even allowed him to run for office. After all, King David doesn't just spout inflammatory rhetoric like the pretend religious leaders who work for the deep state, who serve as bogeymen to divide the people, create chaos, and lead their followers nowhere; he's the real deal. If the deep state couldn't destroy his name in the media, or have him disqualified as a terrorist, or jail him for some bogus crime, they would eliminate him. 

And most of the people would be glad to be rid of King David. He's inconvenient. He's impractical. He gives us a bad name.

They want leaders who are a little proud of being Jewish, but not too proud, not when the goyimare watching. They want leaders who pay lip service to the Torah, but are ashamed of the parts that matter most. 

That's the problem. Not enough of us understand what a true Jewish leader is, even if we pray every day for the kingdom of David to be restored. We don't mean it.

Hoshea 3:5 writes as follows:
  אחר ישבו בני ישראל ובקשו את ה' אלהיהם ואת דויד מלכם ופחדו אל ה' ואל טובו באחרית הימים
Afterward the Sons of Israel will return, and they will seek Hashem their God, and David their king, and they will fear with yearning to Hashem and to His goodness in the end of days.

Chazal explain that we will not be redeemed until we yearn for three things to be restored: the kingdom of Heaven, the Bais Hamikdash...and the kingdom of David (see Hoshea and the Three Requests and The Leader We Pray For).

I'm totally disgusted with the Erev Rav, with the fake leaders, with this cheap facsimile of a State of Israel that disgraces the Torah and degrades our people. I yearn for the kingdom of Heaven, the Bais Hamikdash, and the kingdom of David. Nothing less will suffice. 
When enough of us truly want it, we will get it. 
What more will it take?
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Also:  Could all these things just be a coincidence? (Hebrew) Original source:

Rabbi Weissman – Part I

 Even among the "awake" crowd I see 99% of the discussion is on a physical response to the situation, with 1% throwing a bone to Hashem.  It needs to be the reverse.  The last thing we need is more humbling and painful lessons.

Not nearly enough attention is being paid to the masses of people that are doing  teshuva in various ways.  People who seemed to be very distant from the Torah are having dramatic turnarounds, and those who were already on board at least in principle are trying to do more.  

This is how we win.  Getting a gun is incidental at best.

One of the many campaigns to strengthen our nature spiritually is being spearheaded by Rabbi Josh Friedman, who I know personally dating back to my days at YU.   I met him today to find out more about it, and agreed to share the information. 


The past two weeks have been crazy for me.  I have spent time on one of the army bases near Gaza with our soldiers.  I was in "Gaza City" as they were doing their training for going into Gaza. ה' יעזור!

I met with very special soldiers who are ready to accept upon themselves to wear tefillin for the rest of their lives.  Please G-d they will all come home alive and safe.

Over 2,500 soldiers want tefillin!  Each pair is $500. I have been doing this project for many years, but never had such a strong desire for so many pairs as we have now.

I am now running a campaign to provide tefillin for every soldier who has requested.


Please share these links with your contacts:  We cannot let our soldiers down!


ע''ש מוסדות נועם ישראל טרעבישאן

Bank Pagi

Branch 175

Cheshbon 029424

May our heartfelt prayers and tzedakah bring an immediate end to this nightmare!

Thank you,


29 October 2023

ELDER OF ZION – Let’s Talk About Morality

 The world yells hypocritically about morality, but ….

[…] To put it bluntly, if (God forbid) Israel's destruction of Hamas means killing every single Gazan because of Hamas' policies of using them as pawns and human shields,  it does not detract from Israel's obligation to destroy Hamas one bit.

In the final analysis, Israel has every right to do whatever it takes to destroy Hamas.  Even though Hamas is said to have four months of supplies underground, Israel is allowed to block all aid (if iit chooses) to starve out Hamas, even if it also starves the Gaza civilians, if there is a likelihood that Hamas will steal the aid supplies and use it for war rather than for its civilians. (Even the US Army laws of war manual says this, explicitly.)  It sounds unbelievably harsh - and this is why Israel is trying to divide Gaza to allow civilians to flee to the South and allow aid only there, at least for the first stages of the war - but the overriding imperative to destroy Hamas means that any Gazans who starve because Hamas steals their food and fuel is the responsibility of Hamas, not Israel



And the Jews that go into Gaza in the first wave will even be killed by ‘friendly fire’.

Because they already don’t know how to discern between the terrorists and the soldiers.

So, everything depends upon the girls….


Everything goes according to mesirut nefesh (self-sacrifice).

Today, if a [married] young woman covers all her hair, this is mesirut nefesh. If she goes with a long skirt, this is mesirut nefesh. She burns her tight tops – this is mesirut nefesh.

And also a boy who burns his [tight] trousers, this is also mesirut nefesh…. And smash up the Siomi, the smartphone, which is also another creation of the Satan. And the boys should also burn all their [tight] trousers. It’s forbidden for men to go with tight trousers, issur d’oraita, to go with tight clothes.

Everyone is obligated to totally cover their hair. The daughters of Rav Ovadia Yosef didn’t show any hair – and it’s also like this by the non-Jews. They also don’t show their hair, and it’s also like this by the Arabs. The Arabs don’t show any hair.

All the nurses in [Hadassah] Ein Kerem didn’t show any hair.

I was together with Yusuf. He told me that by them, if they show any hair, they simply break their bones with a stick, until she ‘makes teshuva’ and promises that she won’t show any hair again…..

And also straight away, we need to smash to pieces the new ‘satanic’ thing.

The Satan has put out something new, it’s the Siomi [a new smartphone in Israel that is being sold as being a ‘kosher’ phone, with the kosher phone sticker, but is not a kosher phone at all, and allows access to anything you can see on a regular smartphone].

Everyone [in the chareidi world] is buying Siomi, they call it ‘Siomi’. We need to smash it up immediately, this second, with a hammer…’s causing all the disasters.


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