18 August 2019

What is So Scary About the Otzma Yehudit Party?

Otzma Yehudit Party and its Agenda.
Otzma Yehudit leaders have described themselves as proud disciples of the late rabbi Kahane. The party supports encouraging emigration of non-Jews from Israel, and expelling Palestinians and Israeli Arabs who refuse to declare loyalty to Israel and to accept diminished status in an expanded Jewish state whose sovereignty extends throughout the West Bank. OtzmaYehudit

Do we have some hypocrisy here?
AG Avichai Mandelblit calls for disqualifying extremist right candidates Gopstein and Marzel. But in his legal opinion, says no grounds to ban Otzma Yehudit’s Itamar Ben Gvir. Mandelblit based his recommendation on the Basic Law: The Knesset, which stipulates that political parties or candidates cannot run for office if they engage in incitement to racism. Otzma Yehudit’s former No. 1 Michael Ben-Ari was barred from running in the April elections by the Supreme Court due to the racism clause, and was replaced at the party’s helm by Ben Gvir. timesofisrael

Just what does “Democratic” mean to the secular leftists?
What about the inciting language used by Stav Shaffir against Itamar Ben Gvir; the secular left can incite without repercussions? Shaffir warned that Otzma Yehudit’s “terrible racism” would destroy Israel’s “delicate social fabric,” and accused the party of “bullying” opponents as it “crawls its way into the Knesset.”She called Otzma Yehudit “anti-Zionist” and “anti-democratic,” sparking cries of protest from Ben Gvir and other party members attending the debate. Committee chairman and Supreme Court justice Hanan Melcer ordered Shaffir’s microphone cut off after she ignored several calls to finish her comments. StavShaffir and her “nazi” accusation

Where is AG Mandelblit on the Leftists’ Incitement and Anti-religious Aggression?
Mandelblit’s legal opinion is a response to a petition to the elections committee by the left-wing Democratic Camp party. But the Democratic Camp includes Ehud Barak, with a questionable connection to the child trafficker (with more sordid actions) – (to be unnamed in my blog). Where is the AG on this? Why isn’t he disqualified?

Where does the AG stand on Blue and White’s Yair Lapid (Rashah ben Rashah) and his inciteful hateful rhetoric against the religious and Haredim. Why isn’t he disqualified?

How can the AG Mandelblit call Gopstein racist?
According to the AG: Gopstein leads the racist Lehava organization, which opposes interfaith and inter-ethnic interaction, relationships and marriages. Lehava has held violent protests outside mixed Jewish-Muslim weddings and along the routes of gay pride parades, and has called on the public to alert the organization to cases where Jewish women are discovered to be dating Arab men. Lehava has held violent protests outside mixed Jewish-Muslim weddings and along the routes of gay pride parades, and has called on the public to alert the organization to cases where Jewish women are discovered to be dating Arab men. timesofisrael

A Schizophrenic Attorney General
The AG is a religious man? A halachic Jew? And yet, he judges like a secular and leftist anti-religious politician. Doesn’t he know that the Torah forbids Jewish girls marrying non–Jewish men? How many Israeli men marry Arab girls? Doesn’t he understand that the Torah forbids men on men relationships (under penalty of death)? How can he be considered religious?
“Once again it turns out that the attorney general works for the Reform [Jews] and serves as the representative of the extremist left in the Justice Ministry. This shocking leak of the attorney general’s opinion, while Otzma Yehudit has yet to respond to the appeal [against its candidates], proves his view was pre-decided.”
On Marzel: Marzel led (extremist) rabbi Meir Kahane’s Kach party after its founder’s 1990 murder, and has long been identified with the faction’s goal of forcibly cleansing the country of Arabs. And Marzel is reportedly quoted by Mandelblit in the disqualification recommendation as saying of Israel’s Arab citizens: “When we finish dealing with the enemy, tens of billions of shekels will be freed up that now go to waste. Sixty percent of the money of the National Insurance Institute goes to the enemy.” timesofisrael

The Elections
Elections Committee: Marzel, Gopstein can run
With several parties demanding that any unity government involve the removal of Netanyahu as Likud leader, the poll also asked Likud voters whom they’d prefer as a replacement party leader. Former minister Gideon Sa’ar led the pack with 22%, followed by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and Culture Minister Miri Regev with 12% each, Foreign Minister Israel Katz with 9% and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein with 6%. timesofisrael

Is this the end of the on-again off-again persecution of the Otzma Yehudit Political Party?


Gavriela Dvorah said...

The AG is an imposter. May it be soon that, like the emperor, he will be standing with no clothes.

moshe said...

Amen! Most in power now are Erev Rav (wolves in sheep's clothing).

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