26 August 2019

Educating Jewish Children Part II

Do you see a Correlation?
Recognize the Irony?
Teach All My Children Torah or You Will Not be Able to Teach Any
New York State Education Department Means Business
New York’s Yeshiva Crisis (read Part I)

*Mishpacha: “The regulations, as written are so extreme that not a single yeshiva or girls school in the community, even the more liberal Modern Orthodox schools, will be able to abide by the details. To those who say yeshivas need to improve secular studies, that is an ongoing debate. But these new regulations will permanently alter the character of Orthodox schools.”

Mishpacha:  “. . . Yeshivos that do not comply with the impossible-to-fulfill regulations will have their licenses yanked and parents will be informed by the local school authority that their child is truant. If parents persist in sending their children to yeshivah, they could potentially face arrest on child-neglect charges. This, unfortunately, is a very real scenario.

[potentially, child neglect could prompt Social Services to yank the child from the parents and place the child with a secular family for a forced secular education. the potential future of Jewish children.]

To understand more about what this tragedy entails, please grab this issue of Mishpacha Magazine, read up, and write those letters to Board of Regents.

Anyone who once learned in a NY Yeshiva or who has children or grandchildren in the Yeshiva system can send a letter. Fathers and Mothers may each send their own letters, as can each member of the family who has graduated.

Mishpacha Magazine (Issue 774, 20 Av 5779): Metro and Beyond by Yochonon Donn

1 comment:

moshe said...

This is all part of the agenda and they want to finalize it once and for all. This is the war against G-D. They want religion out of the way so they can promote their 1-world religion. This should awaken every Jew, religious or not, to realize this is a sign that times have changed and time to go home. Trouble is in the meantime, Israel is pushing towards the same goal, r'l. Time for Moshiach!
The sickest part of this scenario is that it was a so-called religious Jew (Moster is his name-just take out the 't') who brought this to the NY education authorities to force the chareidi schools to teach secular studies. 'Moser' should be his real name. We just read this past Shabbat in the parasha that 'from within your midst will come your worst enemies.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...