05 August 2019

"It will happen in the end of days . . .

"It will happen in the end of days: The mountain of the Temple of HaShem will be firmly established as the head of the mountains, and it will be exalted above the hills, and all the nations will stream to it.” 
Isaiah 2:2

The vision of the rebuilt Holy Temple in Jerusalem is the hope of all mankind and unites the family of man. People get ready! It is time to rebuild and transform mourning into preparation for the glory of the future.

The Radbaz, Rabbi David ben Zimra, (1479 - 1573), was one of the Torah giants of all generations. His halachic responses to thousands of questions posed to him by Jewish communities the world over, have been preserved in writing. When questioned as to where on the Temple Mount Jews are allowed to enter in order to perform the commandment of "morah mikdash" - showing reverence to the site upon which the Holy Temple stood - he answered in great detail. His vivid description of existing structures found on the Temple Mount, some of which are still standing today, and his clear answers concerning where one may approach the site of the Temple, form a halachic basis for all who go up to the Temple Mount today, (to perform the commandment of "morah mikdash" in accordance with Jewish law).

To see the route most commonly followed today, mouse over the above bird's eye view of the Temple Mount. FOR A BIRD EYES VIEW with your mouse, go to temple institute

Note: While the above diagram does show the route most commonly taken by visitors today, there are also variations which are permissible. However, to visit the Temple Mount in accordance with halacha, one needs to be accompanied by an experienced guide, expertly versed in the laws and traditions particular to the Temple Mount. One should not attempt to visit the Mount based solely on the above diagram.

Those wishing guidance in preparing to ascend the Mount in purity according to the Torah, or those who would like to arrange for a Torah-based tour of the Temple Mount, are invited to contact us at:

Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Temple Institute
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel

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