23 August 2019

UPDATE: The Canaanis Are Back!

Shocking @Video:
Arab employees abuse Jewish colleague
In a video posted on social media on Thursday, Arab Shufersal employees in Gush Etzion are seen abusing a haredi employee.

  The Canaanite Nation was NOT SEMITIC
Canaanite People are Reincarnated into Palestinians??
Only a couple problems with that.
The Caananis were giants.
And they weren’t Muslims
And they disappeared thousands of years ago
Is Abbas suffering from dementia and hallucinatory thoughts?

*Abbas (says): 'We'll enter Jerusalem as millions of fighters'

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said in an address at the Jalazun Refugee Camp near Ramallah that the "Palestinians" cannot be removed from their homeland and that every building built by the Zionist occupation will be destroyed and thrown in the garbage bin of history, reports the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

In the video, uploaded to to Abbas' Facebook page on August 10, he claimed that the "Palestinians" are the Canaanites who have lived in Palestine for 5,000 years, and he rejected the conferences in Warsaw and Manama as unacceptable to the "Palestinian people".

He said that Jerusalem belongs to the "Palestinians", and the audience began to chant: "To Jerusalem we march, martyrs by the millions!"

Abbas continued, saying that the entire Palestinian nation will enter Jerusalem as millions of fighters,
along with the Arab, Islamic, and Christian nations, and he said that he rejects the designation of "Palestinian" martyrs as terrorists. He added that the families of "Palestinian" martyrs, injured people, and prisoners will continue to receive salaries from the PA because they are the most sacred thing the "Palestinians" have.

Jerusalem need neighborhood shomrim to alert police and IDF if ever there is an infiltration of Arab Terrorists.Women and children need protection from marauders

@VIDEO can be viewed at arutzsheva. I do not use social media, except for email.

*[marauder definition: a person or animal that goes from one place to another looking for people to kill or things to steal or destroy]


* but i read in Jpost this morning that Netanyahu asked Abbas to receive 1/2b? could this be correct?
well, here’s the link to this: PA accepts half a billion dollars from Israel (shut-up money?)

WAS THIS: One Dead and Others Injured in a Friday AM IED Bomb Attack in Shomron (Dolev) A THANK YOU FROM ABBAS FOR THE 1/2 BILLION???


moshe said...

Not too smart for him thinking themselves as Cnanim because they need to learn some history and read what happened to them. They no longer exist and it was the Israelites who killed most of them off. Do believe they probably do have the souls of those ancient evil people who sacrificed their own children to all their idols. Don't these modern day ones do the same? They were then occupying the holy Land and gave many problems to the Israelites just as today's cnanim do.
Reality is that the Bnai Yisrael must return to its roots and do teshuva, then all our problems disappear. Everything is already written in the Torah where H' warns us of the punishments that will befall us if we do not heed His Commandments but will bless us and protect us if we would only obey HIM.
These are the days of chevlei Moshiach. We pray he does not delay much longer.

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

You wrote: WAS THIS: One Dead and Others Injured in a Friday AM IED Bomb Attack in Shomron (Dolev) A THANK YOU FROM ABBAS FOR THE 1/2 BILLION???

Yeah, it was. Freierim!!! Suckers!!! Idiots!!! We have to stop this, pronto!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...