23 August 2019

Parshas Eikev – Hashem Does Not Want to Destroy Us

By Roy S. Neuberger

The Satan is pushing against us. As Dovid Hamelech says, “You pushed me hard that I might fall, but Hashem assisted me.” (Tehillim 118)

People are so pressured that it is difficult to think clearly, but we have to try to understand what we are doing. We begin the week with “ata chonantanu … You have given us intelligence ….” If we do not use our G-d-given intelligence, then how will we get through the week, let alone through life itself?

In this Parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu states a simple yet life-saving thought: “Hashem did not wish to destroy you.” (Devarim 10:10) 

This, my friends, is the only reason we exist, because Hashem wants us to exist!

I hate to read the news, but I am aware of some things which are happening. I want to point out two news items which I believe are related:

Item One: the State of New York is trying to destroy our yeshivos

Item Two: the State of Israel, lehavdil, destroyed a shul in the week before Tisha B’Av.

We have to try to understand what is going on in the world in order to preserve our lives. “For the Land to which you come to possess it, it is not like the land of Egypt that you left, where you would plant your seed and water it on foot like a vegetable garden. But the Land to which you cross over to possess it is a Land of mountain and valleys. From the rain of heaven it will drink water, a Land that Hashem, your G-d seeks out. The eyes of Hashem your God are always upon it from the beginning of the year to year’s end.” (Devarim 10:10-12)

Who gives us the Land? Who gives us life? Who protects us from the legions of our enemies? When are we going to wake up?

There is a category of disease known as “autoimmune conditions,” meaning that one is essentially allergic to oneself. We have become allergic to ourselves, our very Essence! The Source of our existence is the Ruler of the Universe Who watches over us and protects us at all times, Who feeds us directly from “the rain of heaven.”

Why do we attack the Source of our Life? Are we crazy?

In fact, we are not intrinsically crazy, but the Satan is pushing us hard, as in Mitzraim, where the Children of Israel were unable to hear the words of Moshe Rabbeinu because of “shortness of breath.” (Shemos 6:9) 

But Hashem wants us to live!

“This shall be the reward when you hearken to these ordinances and you observe and perform them: Hashem, your G-d will safeguard for you the covenant and the kindness that He swore to your forefathers … He will love you and bless you! …. You will be the most blessed of all the peoples!” (Devarim 7:12)

Our life is in our hands. “Lo bashamayim hi … it is not in Heaven!” (Devarim 30:11-14)

“Shake off the dust! Arise! … Wake up! Wake up!” (Lecha Dodi)

The Days of Redemption are near! 

Golden grain sprouts after the Negev drinks rain from Heaven!

*          *          *          *
Roy Neuberger, author and public speaker, can be reached at

© Copyright 2019 by Roy S. Neuberger

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