01 August 2019

ENOUGH! Our Enemy Receives An Israeli Gift Of OVER 700 Homes Over the Bodies Of Dead Israelis


As they say in America, Israel is “sucking-up” to the enemy before the election, before Kushner, after all the fires that scorched dry Israeli Land, and in the face of all the murdered Israeli fathers, mothers and children.

*US Amb.: Decision to build Arab units in Area C - Israel's alone
Amb. Friedman says US not involved in Israeli Cabinet decision to approve construction of 715 units in Arab villages of Area C.

Is this a foretaste of the great Piece Plan?

JPost  The security cabinet approved permits for 700 Palestinian homes in Area C of the West Bank, KAN news reported on Tuesday night. It is likely that the projects would still need approval from the Civil Administration. The Prime Minister’s Office would not comment on the report. It followed an initial KAN report that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a security cabinet meeting to promote a Palestinian building plan for Area C in advance of a visit by US envoy Jared Kushner.

If it’s true that this is an American demand, then we expect our government to say loud and clear – enough!,” Gush Etzion Regional Council head Shlomo Neeman said. The prime minister “must stop the delusional demands of our great friend [US President Donald Trump]” who, if he is a friend, would understand,” he added.
[maybe it’s just Kushner’s demand. Maybe Trump will veto . . .]

Neeman called for the government to annex Area C of the West Bank rather than pave the way for Palestinian development.

MK Ofir Sofer from the United Right accused Netanyahu of abetting the PA takeover of Area C with the financial support of the European Union. Sofer called on right-wing voters to prevent the prime minister from moving to the Left of the political map after the September 17 election by supporting his party at the polls. “We need to be as strong as possible,” Sofer said.

Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Ganz and Samaria Council head Yossi Dagan said that they hoped Netanyahu’s Palestinian construction plan, “does not, heaven forbid, signal the direction the government will take after the elections.”

They warned that the PA was already carrying out a massive amount of illegal construction in Area C, with the “clear goal of establishing a terrorist state in the heart of the country.”

The right-wing NGO Regavim, which is in the middle of campaign against illegal Palestinian construction in Area C, also denounced Netanyahu’s actions.


* "Area C" defined by the Oslo Accords is supposed to be under full Israeli civilian and military control. Its area constitutes about 60 percent of Judea and Samaria. arutzsheva


moshe said...

This is the reason so many demand his ouster. We need Moshiach Ben Yosef immediately.

Neshama said...

With hardly anyone really responsible to vote for, what will the Israelis do? If it were possible to vote in Ayelet for PM that is what I believe they MUST do! Rabbi M Kessin said we need an interim leader who will bring the Israelis back to Torah observance from a persuasion of warmth. (My words)

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