05 August 2019

French Jews Left Antisemitism in France Only to Meet Anti-Religious Israelis in Israel


JPost  For nearly a decade, the synagogue and the municipality have been arguing over land permits and permissions. But now, the municipality is threatening to shutter the facility where some 400 families pray. The community plans to hold a protest on Thursday at Kikar Shalit, and call on Herzliya Mayor Moshe Fadlon to allow them to retain their “exception permit” for the synagogue to remain operational.

“I made aliyah in August 2006 from London,” explained French-born Mikhail Botbol, one of the organizers of the protest. “We came here because we love Israel. When we came here, a few families... came together to form a new synagogue.” Botbol noted that the group included David Dahan, president of the French immigrant community in the city.

Botbol explained that the need for this synagogue arose because of the change in culture and a need to create a place where French immigrants could be comfortable.

“In France, you have people who walk to the synagogue and some who also drive to that same place – it’s a mix,” he said. “In Israel, you are either Orthodox, secular or Reform; we wanted an open culture [like in France].”

"Locals Complain" (non-religious Israelis, like Rockland County NY anti-Jewish neighbors)

However, as the synagogue grew, there were complaints about the noise and busy traffic in the area, whereas Herzliya Pituah is a quiet place (one of the neighbors is now suing the synagogue).

“I totally understand their complaints and frustration:  If I lived next door to something like this I would also complain,”

While at the same time in Beit Shemesh

Destruction of a Haredi Shul

Religious Jews Must Take a Stand Against the Inept Government – by Voting and Demonstrating and Approaching Local Government Officials with their Complaints.
Organize in Achdus

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