07 August 2019


UN: Construction in Judea and Samaria 'must cease immediately'
EU condemns Israel's approval of construction of Jewish homes, says "all settlement activity is illegal under international law".

“The expansion of settlements has no legal effect and constitutes a flagrant violation of international law,” United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov said in a statement Wednesday. “By advancing the effective annexation of the West Bank, it undermines the chances for establishing a Palestinian state based on relevant UN resolutions, as part of a negotiated two-state solution.” arutzsheva

The EU in the throes of rigor mortis 
strikes out at Israel. There’s no where to go but to the grave! Now!
Livid Comments:

*There already exists a two state solution.
Palestine was divided into 2 separate states, today one is named Jordan and the other named Israel.

*Israel never occupied Judea and Samaria, they have legally been A part of Israel since 1922. The Oslo accords did not surrender Israeli land, they were an agreement with demands that were never enforced, for attempting establishing some type of sovereignty, final status was never established. The two state solution is not binding. The European union and its member states have been complicit in historical revisions for the purpose of discriminating against the rights of the Jewish people.
Repeat your lies about illegal occupation as often as you wish, it is evidence of illegal pressure on the Jewish state in order to force its surrender of land, and expose itself to danger. The EU is spreading fraudulent propaganda for the purpose of delegitimizing the Jewish nation.

Stealing Jewish land under fraudulent pretenses is A guaranteed way to provoke war. Continuing to censor discourse as to the viability of Jewish and arab muslim coexistence in any part of Israel including Judea and Samaria, or any joint administration, stops the reality of how acceptable Jewish power and influence is to arab muslims. It continues to endanger the Jewish nation, it continues to harm the arab muslims of Israel, and it continues to promote the criminal objectives of the EU to distort past International law that recognized Judea, Samaria, gaza and east Jerusalem as Israeli property, and promotes arab muslim desire to conquer the Jewish people and satiate their desire for Islamic supremacy, which the EU censors promoting more war and conflict.

They EU is forcing A situation that will continue to cause conflict by lying about the viability of coexistence, and lying about legitimate Israeli land ownership, which included consideration for defendable borders for the Jewish nation in the San Remo conference 98 years ago, reiterated in 1945, 1948 and in 1967 when Israel liberated occupied territories of Judea, Samaria, gaza, and east Jerusalem. In G-d I trust.

1 comment:

Gavriela Dvorah said...

The head of the nachash must be removed.

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