20 August 2019

Democratic Union Attacks Education Minister for Teaching Judaism

Education Minister Rabbi Rafi Peretz initiated a significant expansion program for "Israeli Jewish culture" classes in state schools. B”H

 It's the History of the Jewish Nation. is Dem Party anti-Jewish History?
Jewish History did not begin in 1948. Is Dem Party not Jewish?
We are Jews because of Avraham, Yitzchok, Yaakov, Sarah, Rochel, Rivka, Leah, our Lineage.
Look in the Mirror, Israelis are here today because of our Jewish Lineage!

Democratic Union attacks education minister for teaching Judaism
Democratic Union party says Education Minister Peretz attempting to 'brainwash' children by expanding teaching of Jewish texts in schools. [the Dem Party is seriously in need of the history of our people, unless they are not one of us?]

"The education minister this morning is moving a system meant to educate our system another step towards a system devoted to brainwashing," the party said in a statement. "The same education minister who introduced the racist Nationality Law into the high school curriculum this past weekend also prefers not to address the high number of students in classrooms, improve the status of teachers in Israel or strengthen the system - it's just religion and more religion," it added.

Rabbi Peretz added:
"The connection to our heritage and history is the bedrock of our existence and is the glue that connects us as a society. We have the duty of education to safeguard it.” . . . . "Judaism is an ocean of wisdom. Students will be exposed to many values, morals and love. These values ​​will help us establish a more 'values ​​and moral' society here," arutzsheva


Who are the Democratic Union?
The Israeli political parties are variants of Leftist Progressive (socialist) Ideologies, wrapped in what they call democratic. Members are ‘enlightened racists,’ some with alleged ‘connections to a child trafficking czar, and suspicious 9/11 conspiracy’. They do not have the survival of the Jewish People on their agenda.


Miri Regev: "not the people, but the holy One Blessed be He will decide the next prime minister."

This was after the interviewer said that Liberman would be the deciding factor as to whom the next prime minister would be. Liberman has previously made public his intention to force a unity government. The polls are predicting that he will gain ten mandates. JPost

1 comment:

moshe said...

Whatever they call themselves, these 'undemocratic' traitors within our people (who are really the real Erev Rav) will fail with everything they try. They are quite stupid for they have started up with H's people, His Holy Torah that He gave to His people, and, in particular, in His Holy Land that He gave ONLY to His people. They think they have the upper hand now but H' waits and always metes out the punishment due.
Geulah is close at hand, so they better start worrying and repent.
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Peretz; hoping he never veers from the true Torah direction

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