12 August 2019

Betzalel Smotrich has Support in the Unexpected

Support for Betzalel Smotrich, who is being “picked on” same as *Ms Shaked

The Prime Minister’s brother-in-law: I don't think the word has yet been said to be used in this context - really it's a ruling that is a religious persecution decree ["gzeirat shmad"], he said in an interview with Arutz Sheva.

He says "the concept of religious persecution decrees speaks of laws that prevented Jews from living their religious and traditional way of life many times because of enlightenment and progress. Even in modern times, we have known laws by Stalin and Lenin to prevent Torah study. This is a religious persecution decree because it is a public event, with the consent of the communities who want it - religious and haredi - in a public space in the Jewish State, that the court decided is a criminal offense that the police must prevent. Most synagogues are also in public buildings and the next step may be to prevent segregation in synagogues. If any gender separation is a criminal offense, then religious Jews cannot live their lives in the Jewish State, and that's what history calls religious persecution decrees."

He also finds it difficult to understand the criticism of Minister Betzalel Smotrich for attacking the Prime Minister's conduct.

"My problem is that when Minister Betzalel Smotrich rightly sounds a great and bitter scream - who's attacked? Him. I haven't heard the Prime Minister or any of the Likud ministers say a word about the scandal and madness of religious persecution in the Jewish State. Everyone attacked Betzalel Smotrich, that he needs to be fired and he's impolite. When we're discussing decrees, the problem to gauge is whether he spoke politely? It's completely out of proportion."

His criticism is directed at the movement headed by his brother-in-law, the Likud.

"I say with regret that the Likud has in recent weeks published huge ads that tell us that the Likud is the home of religious Zionism. It is impertinence and bluff. The problem is not BeTzalel Smotrich. The problem is the court and if it is based on a law, then the problem is the law. They should stand up and say, 'It's crazy, it's a scandal; we'll change it.' They don't care."
[but there is NO law]

Ben Artzi says this case proves that the religious community supporting the Likud should recalculate. "If that's the case, I urge the entire haredi, religious, and traditional public who votes Likud, to absolutely not vote for them this time at all.

"If this is the Likud position when such an atrocity occurs in the Jewish State and they do not have a single word to say about it - it means that they're not our home or our partners. They won't make sure that a Jew will be able to live his life in the Jewish State. I say this with pain, because we always believed that the Likud was our ally and it understood what it meant to be Jewish but this time they went too far," concludes Ben Artzi.

Maybe Bibi made Betzalel apologize but he won’t do that to Ben Artzi

* Who fasted (her first time) this year for Tisha B’Av.


moshe said...

It was Shaked who said this is the first time she ever fasted on Tisha B'Av.

The scandal is that Ben Artzi's passionate words had to be used not in Europe, Asia, etc., but in Eretz Yisrael. The Likud and most all the parties have surely been taken over almost completely by the Erev Rav. This time the Jews must win!

Anonymous said...


someone said that the MEDINA got one purpose.
Being a donkey to bring the Mashiah.
When we think mashiah, we think
Or should we say MALCHUT HASHEM, to make to am al ek it clear???
Malchut Hashem, that used the bad intention of some to use it for the good....
MALCHUT MASHIAH, where are not klipot or free will to do wrong, to deny Hashem Yitbarah.
Malchut Hashem, the sod inside the medina.
When the scoffers punished by staiyng in MIDBAR approached the 22+6 days,
trembling every day when they had to dig their own grave every night until T B AV...
Did they like it?
For 3 weeks and six days sleeping in a hole in the middle of nowhere...digging their own grave...
for 40 years long.
Full of unbelieve hating EMUNA.
The new generation found soon out that they are not the ones to die.
Are they back here with us, still full of hate after 40 years of 3 week plus six days digging???
The SHUALIM must be very scarry sign.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Bibi thinks he's a czar. He should remember what happened to the last czars. And he is a liar
For this he should be called out constantly. There is nothing about medinat israel that is a democracy. In a democracy one is allowed to criticize, even fellow politicians. I pray for their demise.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...