14 August 2019

UPDATE: COURT RULES ON SEPARATE SEATING IWL Creates a Religious Storm Over Concerts

Moti Steinmetz WILL Sing And Afula Concert WILL Be Separate Seating
Israel Women’s Lobby (IWL) Aims to Prevent Orthodox Family Event in Haifa After Success in Cancelling Afula Concert

[this appears to *substantiate there is NO DEMOCRACY in Israel]

In the wake of a decision by the Nazareth District Court prohibiting gender separation at a strictly-Orthodox family event scheduled to be held at the Afula public park this week – and which was cancelled as a result – the Israel Women’s Lobby (IWL) who filed the petition to the court moved ahead Monday to demand a similar event likewise be prevented in the coastal city of Haifa, as well as the city of Bat-Yam.
  • "despite the ruling’s claim to the contrary, the government had never ruled against gender separation, saying that the 2013 decision cited by the court only established a special team to study the issue of gender separation, adding that its findings were never adopted."
The Women’s Lobby “demanded" that Haifa Mayor Einat Kalish Rotem and the legal counsel of the city ban a performance that was to be scheduled “for men only” at the Haifa Convention Center, saying that venue is a municipal building, and since the event would be held under municipal auspices, it cannot take place with gender separation. jewishpress
  • "Most synagogues are also in public buildings and the next step may be to prevent segregation in synagogues. If any gender separation is a criminal offense, then religious Jews cannot live their lives in the Jewish State, and that's what history calls religious persecution decrees.” (Ben Artzi)
Now, the Prime Minister should “wag his finger” at these unruly leftist women who want to interfere with a religious “men only” summertime concert. After all, they are attacking the Haredi voting bloc for the next election.

Do they want to attend the concert?
No, they just want to cause trouble with their discriminatory 
and anti-Jewish and anti-religious allegations.

The same law (if actually in effect), Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, and the Prohibition of Discrimination in Products, Services and Entry into Entertainment and Public Places, 5761 (2000), should ALSO definitely protect against the discriminatory allegations of these disturbed women against entertainment created for a segment of the Israeli public.
  • The same law can be and should be applied v’nahafahu to their troubling and biased claims. The same law can protect the victims as well as the complainants.

* substantiate = provide evidence to support or prove the truth of


  • What about the statement by Betzalel Smotrich that there is no voted upon law?
  • The Shas Sephardic religious party filed a petition on Monday with the Nazareth district court against the Israeli Women’s Lobby (IWN) and also against the Afula Municipality for taking the position that it would respect the position of the court, calling the ruling unreasonable.

1 comment:

moshe said...

Firstly, to be honest, The State was never a real democracy (always a big tinge of bolshevikism), but there was a status quo where the frumme were left alone and little interference. Since the evil Oslo accords, things have deteriorated where now it gets worse on a daily basis. The sinah of the radicals (socialists, etc.) towards Torah Judaism has become full blown. They are determined to make Israel a country like all others, r'l, which is the complete opposite of what the Torah commands! We need to remember, Utza eitza v'sufar, dabru davar v'lo yakum, ki imanu Kel.

Very Special Time to Daven for Children

The Incredible Moment of Binding the Lulav to Pray For Righteous Children {Sukkos}