29 August 2019

Democratic Union Having a Breakdown?

Stav Shaffir and her **Insane “new *Green Deal” 
[just look at the craze in her eyes – sound familiar]

GREEN ECONOMY [NIS 290 billion over 12 years] PROGRAM FOR ISRAEL

Israel Democratic Union party released on Tuesday a program meant to place Israel on the cutting edge of the global effort to save the planet. The plan, released on Tuesday, includes the gradual limitation on the use of privately owned cars in cities and a growing investment in public transportation; shifting the cities’ landscape (depopulation) to high-rise building; investing in and implementing new green-energy-producing technologies (5G radiation)  and the gradual decrease of meat consumption (imitation foods). [this is nothing more than a diabolical plan to “control everything” by a “few”, this is not democratic, its Technocratic – the new war on human life]

the Arabs will not go for this, but will endorse it for the Israelis

Red Terror on the Loose 

Israel Hayom journalist Yehuda Shlezinger was scheduled to interview Democratic Union leader MK Stav Shaffir, but the interview was canceled at the last minute.

"I've never had such a thing happen to me," Shlezinger wrote on Twitter. "I arrived for a magazine interview with Stav Shaffir. Her spokesperson was waiting in the entryway and said: 'If it doesn't go on the cover, there's no interview.' I left. It's insane.” arutzsheva

Kan journalist Orit Navon interviewed Shaffir on Facebook Live and said afterward that Shaffir completely ignored all the questions posed to her during the interview.

"Imagine what it's like to sit in front of a person who completely ignores your presence," Navon said. "At a certain point I stopped and told her, 'Listen, there's a problem, I'm sitting here in front of you and you're ignoring me. You're talking like I'm not here and it's already offensive on a personal level. What are you doing?’” 

 "From all the politicians I've met from the right, left and center, this was without a doubt the strangest [interview] on Facebook Live I've done. Seriously, leave politics. Start with learning how to conduct a conversation with someone who is not you.”  arutzsheva


* "Sustainable Everything” = UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030, 5G (fake-reporting) = Internet of Thing$, Cell Tower Radiation, Chemtrail Toxicity Aluminium/Cadmium/Lead/Nanos, Social Programming and the end of life as we have all ever known i.e. Very Against G-d and His Creations.

** When leftist anti-G–d ideology goes too far.

1 comment:

moshe said...

What else can be expected from such pure unadulterated evil?

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