30 January 2019

Reclamation Continues

The correct response to Arab Terror
Redemption Continues: Jews Returning to Jerusalem Homes
By Dovid Mark @ IsraelRising

It is a little known fact that most of today’s Muslim quarter was actually Jewish until the Arab riots and pogroms of the 1920s and 1930s pushed the indigenous Jews out and into the present Jewish quarter. In 1948 the Jewish quarter was wiped out by the Jordanian Legions.

It wasn’t until 1967, when Israel liberated its ancient capital that all of these pieces of property were opened up for resettling. The challenge was that Israel did not have the means to figure who was a squatter and who was a legitimate owner.

To deal with the confusion it made a rule – residents have 3 generations and if they are in a property that was not theirs – the 4th generation must leave.

Now, with help of research, dedicated lawyers, and grassroots activists we are seeing Jews returning to these houses and properties.

The results have been miraculous. Large swaths of area in the “Muslim Quarter” are now Jewish as they were 70 to 90 years ago. These areas are renovated for the benefit of all the residents, Jews and Arabs alike.

One such area, the Northern Jewish Quarter was the home of Rav Eliyashuv, and Rav Diskin among others and was the heart of the Jewish presence in the Old City.

After decades of being occupied, it is now bustling with Jewish activity boasting a direct view of the Temple Mount.

In a sense, the city, which never had delineated quarters until the British is returning back to its pre British situation, where all are free to live in peace. IsraelUnwired

Jews were forcibly removed from this home more than 75 years ago. Now Jewish families are returning due to a court ruling. Indigenous rights upheld...thank G-D!



Jews Return to Jerusalem Property Stolen by Arabs
By Gavriel Dan

Another Jewish family moving into a new home in Jerusalem shouldn’t make such a stir, after all Jews return all the time to Jerusalem, but this family is not just moving anywhere, they are returning to a property on As Saraya Street redeemed from Arab squatters in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Mezuza at the property near As Saraya street.
 (Courtesy Ben Packer)
As Saraya Street just passed the Northern Jewish Quarter used to be a bustling Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem’s Old City, yet due to countless Arab pogroms directed against the Jews in Jerusalem between the 1920s and 1940s culminating in the Jewish expulsion from the Old City in 1948, the Jewish presence was decimated.

Jews Return Against All Odds

Despite this, Jews have been returning beyond the confines of the “Jewish Quarter” having moved back in over time to the Northern Jewish Quarter on al-Khalidiya street and other areas of Jewish significance.

The house off of As Saraya is significant due to its location within a courtyard far off of the main area. It is a massive old property once housing a number of Jews.

Today, after months of renovations, a large Jewish family has moved into the upstairs apartment, locking the property into Jewish hands.

According to sources a family of 9 just moved in and a young couple will join them in the courtyard in the next couple of weeks. One Arab family remains in the courtyard for now. They have been given time to evacuate before they will be evicted as well. One of the Jewish Families would be considered “ultra-orthodox” and the other “religious Zionist” – this mixture is very common in the area and throughout the Old City of Jerusalem.

“Seven months ago, I was blessed to be one of the first Jews to enter this Jewish-owned property in the Old City of Jerusalem for the first time since the late 1930’s,” says Rabbi Ben Packer of the Jerusalem Heritage House, who was instrumental in helping to renovate the property. “After months of extensive and logistically difficult renovations, a large Jewish family has moved in. G-d willing, another will join on the bottom floor in the next few weeks. That’s some serious success and a serious strengthening of the Jewish Presence!”

With the law stipulating that current squatters must be traceable to being property residents between 1948 and 1967, more and more properties are becoming eligible to be handed back to their original Jewish owners or the owners’ families. IsraelUnwired

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