In this week's Torah class we learned most of Chapter 25 from Yeshaya, which isn't taught in any of the crushingly expensive yeshivos and seminaries that churn out the next generation of mindlessly obedient and disaffected Jewish youth, some of whom will remain "on the derech" in spite of it. In this short selection, we learned fundamental lessons about living in galus, wearing masks (literally) and the final war. Kind of relevant, no?
How many years are people supposed to spend in indoctrination centers and religious holding pens "learning how to learn" before they actually...learn?
Before you get all huffy about me attacking yet another aspect of "the system", listen to the class, look around at everyone just going through the pseudo-religious motions, and decide for yourself if I have a point. And if you believe I do have a point, don't throw up your hands in despair and lie to yourself that we can't do anything about it. We're here specifically to do something about it.
As a free bonus, in the second part of the class we continued our series on Sha'ar Habitachon from the Chovos Halevavos and learned about how much a person with proper bitachon will work for a living. Kind of relevant to every human being, too.
The recording is available here.
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Speaking of fundamental things they don't teach in any yeshivos or seminaries, lest people ask uncomfortable questions that will lead to serious changes:
Today at 2 PM Israel time will be part three in my series of shiurim about Bayis Sheni and Geula. It's really heating up, with bombshell after bombshell on the way. The link to join live is here.
I'm not just teasing you with clickbait. I respect your time. This is the real stuff.
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I was a guest last week on the Root and Branch Jerusalem War Crimes Pre-Trial Hearing, hosted by Tzvi Livshits and Frank Zelenko: Are Bibi, Trump, and Ben Gvir Really On Our Side?
Boy do people twist themselves into pretzels rationalizing and apologizing for these guys, when the people they defend never face the sort of tough questions, yet such obvious questions, that I would ask them. Maybe they're playing 10D chess.
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The religious/cultish belief people have in Trump as their savior has reached Jesus-like proportions. He gets a pass for failing the first time, but will come back a second time and save them. It's eerie.
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