14 September 2023

It's New Scariant Season Again

It's New Scariant Season Again

Ever notice how every 'new variant' makes its debut right before a major Jewish holy day?

And now they're pushing 'BA.2.86' just in time for Rosh Hashana.

How 'coincidental.'

Again they're pushing distancing and masking at the precise time we're supposed to be gathering and showing our faces.

How consistent of them.

Once more,  they're inciting fear of an imaginary pathogen and of the breath of one's fellow man at the exact time we're supposed to fear no one and nothing but God Almighty.

Yup, there they go again, assaulting our Divinely-ordained personal sovereignty and free choice at the very time we're supposed to be using our free choice to ascribe sovereignty to our Divine Creator. 

Pushing compliance to tyranny at the exact time of year we are meant to reject subjugation to human overlords and proclaim God as our only King.

How predictable of them.

Yawningly predictable.

This Rosh Hashanah, stand up for truth. Say no to tyranny.

Congregate. Don't segregate.

Show your face, not a mask.

Raise your voice, don't be muzzled.

Be a head, not a tail.

Shana Tova. 

May it be a year of freedom and redemption.

Rabbi Green

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To Neshama and your family,
Shana Tova, may it be doubly blessed for you.

To Rabbi Green and family, Shana Tova. Thanks for all you do to help so many.

I know i am late in posting, I wish all who visit this wonderful blog, a Shana Tova, along with ALL the Jews, wherever they are, May Hashem bless and keep you all safe. Amen.

May we merit this New Year, to see the Mashiach... Amen.


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