13 September 2023

Shalom Pollack: Arab Taxi Scam …… What’s the alternative??

I just returned from the ministry of transportation for a meeting in which I  testified about a complaint I filed with  them.

The subject was, the Arab taxi stand just inside of Dung Gate.

I have known them  for years a den of thieves.
They consistently refuse to use the meter and demand exorbitant fares, systematically taking  advantage of unsuspecting and helpless tourists

The good name of Jerusalem and Israel is not enhanced by this ugly blight.

Last month, I tried to help my tourists into a cab - with great trepidation knowing what I may experience. The driver demanded 150 shekels.  I knew the fare should be much lower.

He refused to use the meter which evolved into an embarrassing verbal attack on us.
Shouts, curses and menacing body language was part of the ugly scene that my tourists had to experience.

Despite his efforts to prevent it, I took photos of him and his vehicle and reported the incident to the ministry of transportation as I told him I would, unless he agrees to use the meter.
The case is being "processed" by the authorities.

There is satisfaction in acting on behalf of our tourists  and the good name of our city and country.

Guides should and can make a difference.

Wishing you a healthy new year with blessings  for our people.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yasher Koach to Mr. Pollack.

Bitachon 191 - Be Careful What You Wish