15 September 2023

Shana Tova Message of Redemption from Rabbi Weissman


The link to this week's Torah class in the previous email was incorrect.  Sorry about that!  The correct link is: How to trust in Hashem when you're just scraping by

Today was part 4 of my series of classes hosted by Machon Shilo on the topic of Bayis Sheni and redemption.  The link to this one is: The Opportunity for Redemption Starts to Wane 

Hopefully the new year will finally bring redemption.  No one knows (especially those who claim they do).  But whatever happens, we have to be resilient and keep going.  The darkness WILL end, and we will be richly rewarded beyond our wildest dreams for every bit of effort we made for Hashem, every ounce of suffering we endured, and every charitable act we did for someone else.

We will be so richly rewarded for this — exponentially more than the same actions would have earned in easier times — that we will wish we'd suffered just a bit more for the sake of Hashem!

Don't underestimate your ability to make a difference, and if you get discouraged, snap out of it and keep doing good things. If nothing else, make someone smile and help them in some way.

I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read and share these emails and my other material, and I read all your responses.  Shana tova.  



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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shanah Tovah!
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Weissman for his courage and love of bnei Yisrael and always exposing the truth.

At this point in time, this sounds good

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