14 September 2023

Israeli Gestapo choke and kidnap a religious child for failing to pay his train fare



On September 5, 2023 at 9 AM two religious children ages 13 and 11 were riding the Jerusalem light rail when they were stopped by inspectors who check that people had paid for the ride. One of the children had forgotten his Rav Kav card and was unable to pay the 5.5 shekels fare (approximately $1.50). It is not possible to pay two fares from a single Rav Kav on the trains, so his brother was unable to pay for him at the time.

The child had money on him and wanted to pay the fare, but the train workers did what any normal person would do under the circumstances and called the police.

Since this was not a case of Jews being attacked by Arabs, police rushed to the scene and quickly surrounded the frightened children. They proceeded to do what any normal person would do under the circumstances. They shoved the 11 year old boy to the ground while his older brother was put into a chokehold and dragged into the police car.

Onlookers watched horrified while these thugs in uniforms brutally assaulted two children and kidnapped a child for failing to pay his train fare.

The train inspectors and police were, of course, within their rights in dealing with these criminals, who have only themselves to blame for being in this situation. The law is the law.

The children should be grateful that they were not disappeared and trafficked. (Not that anything like that ever happens, of course, and not like the upstanding people who rule the holy Medina would ever be involved with something like that, of course. Just saying.) Alternatively, they might have had a confession tortured out of them to "solve" a case, like Amiram ben Uliel.

When a concerned citizen informed one of the Gestapo pretend-Jewish thugs that he was being filmed, the thug tauntingly pointed to his own bodycam.

This happened in broad daylight in the center of Jerusalem before a crowd of horrified citizens while being filmed. Imagine what these monsters do in darkness, in their dungeons, interrogation rooms, and hospital wards, when no one is watching.

They have nothing but contempt for us. They do not fear us. They know we know what they are, and they do not care. They know we can film their atrocities, and post angry comments on social media, and nothing will happen to them.

That's because this was not a spontaneous act of brutality by a few rogue police officers who get a rush out of bullying defenseless people. This is business as usual. They have free reign to do this from their superiors. They KNOW nothing will happen to them.

In the rare event that there is a huge public outcry, their controlled media will get a boilerplate quote from the department assuring the public that the police carry out their duty to protect the citizens. Maybe the controlled opposition in government will even pretend to be outraged long enough to issue a quote.

In the extremely rare event that they need more damage control, they will promise to conduct an internal investigation. The gangsters in uniforms will investigate themselves. How reassuring.

Meanwhile, these poor children are traumatized forever, over nothing. In just a few seconds a train ride turned into a nightmare that will change their lives, courtesy of Medinas Erev Rav. 


Anonymous said...

I hope others are also wondering as I am that there is something very frightening happening, not only in our EY but other places too. There seems to be foreign elments running things (maybe part of the nwo, r'l). These police are not of Jewish origin and maybe they are the descendants of those nazis, y's, that infiltrated EY after WWII and married some leftist so-called Jewish women. Their brutality and evil is something that is very foreign to Jews and that they now have this power in our Land is beyond evil and must be rectified by ousting them out of the country. May Hashem show His Mighty Hand this coming 5784 and just as in Mitzrayim undo our enemies.
Where is the government in all this, why not an outcry by the PM and all the ministers? An end must be put to the court system,police system and a Jewish system put in its place. Why are all the evil doers getting away with their dastardly deeds and the leaders going to sleep as if everything is just fine. Wake up Am Yisrael, Rosh Hashanah is here & time to do teshuvah.

Anonymous said...

Shame!! Shame!! Shame!!

First thank Gd, the children were not thrown into gestapo jail.

Why did not someone any good person on the bus get up to pay the child's fare.

So sad!!

If anyone would have helped these children, how much blessings from Hashem would have been poured on them.

May Hashem have mercy and send the Mashiach soon. Please, please Hashem, send the Mashiah, your Chosen need Him now, as does this corrupt world.


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