24 September 2023

Awaiting the Day We Merit to Have a Kohen Gadol


Gmar Chatima Tova – May we all be written up, signed and sealed in the Book of Life!

Tishrei 9, 5784/September 24, 2023

Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement - the holiest day of the Hebrew calendar. Yom Kippur, the day that the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) would immerse five times in the pure waters of the mikveh. 

The day that the Kohen Gadol would don both his golden garments and his white garments. 

The day that he would place his hands upon the head of the bull and the goat to be offered and make his confession, saying “Ana HaShem - Please G-d,” pronouncing the ineffable name of G-d six times, and all present would bow down to the ground. 

The day he would draw lots, sending one goat to the barren wilderness known as Azazel, bearing the sins of Israel, and the other goat to be offered up to HaShem, upon the Temple altar. 

The day that the Kohen Gadol would take coals from the altar fire and with a golden vessel filled with incense, enter into the Holy of Holies and place the incense upon the firepan set before the Ark of the Covenant, the Kohen Gadol's most intimate moment with the Creator, King and Judge of all humanity. Seeking atonement for himself, his family, and for all Israel, all eyes, all hearts, and all prayers accompanied the Kohen Gadol on his fateful journey to the Holy of Holies. Alone before HaShem, he represented his entire people in his quest for atonement.

Today we have no Holy Temple. We have no Kohen Gadol, no animal offerings, no incense offering, no Holy of Holies, and no Ark of the Covenant. But we yet remain "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation," (Exodus 19:6) and united and together as one, we stand before HaShem on Yom Kippur and ask for atonement for ourselves and for one another. Just as the Kohen Gadol bore upon his heart the prayers of all Israel, so do we today, each one of us, bear responsibility for one another, as our prayers mingle together on their ascent on high to HaShem.

May the day come soon when the glorious and sacred choreography of the service of the Kohen Gadol be once again enacted before all Israel and the world. But know that our covenant and our relationship with HaShem is eternal.

The Temple Institute extends our heartfelt wishes and blessings to the entire nation of Israel and to G-d fearing people around the world, and to our friends and followers, and our steadfast and loyal supporters. Gmar Chatima Tova - may we all be written up, signed and sealed in the Book of Life!

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