11 September 2023

Reflections on 9/11


It's National Psyop Day. 

Also known as False-Flag Fools' Day.

By buying their false narrative, we unwittingly desecrated the memories of thousands of innocents who were cruelly murdered in the most horrific human sacrifice ritual of our generation, and whose deaths were cynically exploited to trample individual liberties and impose worldwide tyranny.

Today, light a candle of truth in memory of those slain in cold blood by globalist eugenicists. Expose the fraudulent narrative and demand justice.

Don't be intimidated by the fools who will invariably attack you for daring to state the truth. Ignore their taunts. Speak out for the sake of the silent victims.

Speak out even if you are but one voice amidst a cacophony of lies. Remember that a single candle dispels much darkness. Be that solitary candle.

May G-d avenge their blood, and the blood of all others who were savagely murdered by these criminals from Lower Manhattan to Lahaina and everywhere else. 

[by Rabbi “G”]


Gavriela Dvorah said...

I don't buy this conspiracy theory. That day is etched in my memory forever. But, I do believe the response was unjustified, as it had no purpose other than to punish an entire people, which, by the way, the Prez said he would do. It was something like.."we will bring harm to the terrorists who did this and to those that harbor them." So, I guess the entire country was guilty. On the other hand, it's not a bad approach, perhaps something we should adopt. We don't just destroy the bedroom of the murdering terrorist, we destroy the entire city! But of course, we can't do that. Only America can get away with murdering "innocent" civilians.

Neshama said...

I guess you haven’t done adequate researching on this travesty!

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